Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (2025)

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Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (1)[...]' Editor: Tom Broadhea’dgg}; , ‘
((1 i139? In the; llfg - News Editor; Glen Prentice
Exam . Design[...]z‘l'c'ld Pocchri'c‘. You can contact Chaff on the phone at (O6) 350 4500, on
191° the fax at (06) 350 5665 or by writing to us via the Chaff
Chaff 9/1“; S’ letterbox (upstairs in the Students’ Association Buildin ), or at

. , Cha[...]ry secure (grrrrrrrrr)
$Y§;§me:urgs Disclaimer: Thethe road, the pope,
' :" ' . t e rea o e or an o t e . ou rea t[...]KGB WhYY d h ff
. i ca 5 me.

Sports p '

mA‘II THE FORCE 3E L-Ji'rH ‘iou

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Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (2)[...]ave to depend on New
Zealand First’s support if the proposed
Voluntary Student Membership Bill is
to[...]Leader Helen

Ms Clark said that While in the past
the bill has not had the numbers to get
through Parliament, it has resurfa[...]Chaff last week.

She said that it’s failure in the past
could be' put down to Michael Laws'
unpopula[...]select committees.

Labour is totally opposed to the Bill
because they believe that it will funda—
mentally disempower the student body
and leave services which are provided
by the student levy in the hands of peo—
ple who may not have students inter-
ests at heart.

She accuses those who promote the'
bill of using a flawed argument when

they labe[...]acted any criti-

She also fails to see why the VSM
debate is a parliamentary issue. “Con-
stit[...]” 4

Ms Clark expressed her disapproval
towards the tertiary review promised in
the coalition document. She is worried
that the review will come out in favour
of further funding[...]ficiency im-
provements, and that ultimately- “the
nature of education will be changed from

As far as MMP is concerned Ms Clark
believes the new parliament has been an
disaster. “We have the most bizarre as—
sortment of MPs that you have ever
seen”. She maintains that the system is
not totally to blame and that really it[...]just a matter of people still not un-
derstanding the system. '

The new system has “cosmetically
moved the government to the centre” but

Student debt t0ps
$1.7 billion

Figures released by the Ministry of
Education show that tertiary students[...]ely borrowed in ex—
cess of S 1.7 million since the loans'
scheme began in 1992. '

As at the 3lst of January the exact
figure stood at $1,718,885,103.

Figures f[...]6, 7235 students bor-
rowed $33,888,207. This was the third
highest of all the universities behind
Otago (349287481) and Aucklan[...]000, with one
student borrowing more than $15000.
The average amount borrowed by
Massey students was $4684 an in-
crease of 3% on the previous year.

. The total national figures for the
same period show that: 58,463 stu-
, dents borrow[...]0 and 166 stu-
dent borrowed in excess of $15000.
The national average was $47 96 which
amounted to an[...]money borrowed and money owed.
Money borrowed was the amount stu—
dents drew on when taking out a loa[...]cal—

He said that figures showing the to-
tal money owed by students would be
higher than figures for the amount bor-

Only by compiling loan balances
held by Inland Revenue for the years
prior to 1997, together with the 1997
figures and interest rate calculations,
cou[...]rming rate, with
no apparent relief in sight.

The Government’s own research
indicates that 50% of[...]ns until they are
40 years old”.

She condemned the governments
tax cut policy “for the rich”, saying that
the 199,188 students who have loans
will potentially be one of the highest
taxed people in the country.

“Student loans are quietly building
a[...]debt, a social deficit that
is being ignored by the broken of the
New Zealand First National govern—
ment,” Ms[...]nt if they
want to achieve in tertiary study.

The increasing rate of debt amongst
students is matched only by the in-
creasing severity of hardship being
faced by[...]aid.

in reality it still remains very much on
the right she says.

National, she says, kept all the impor-
tant portfolios to themselves when nego—[...]another too signifi-

“Peters might be the treasurer but he
really only reads the budget the Birch

In her opiniomNafional are now[...]nston
Peters will have to decide whether he
pulls the rug on the coalition document
and mounts another crusade to build up
new support or whether he integrates into
the National Party,"

Her thoughts on the budget policy
statement echoed her cynicism towards
the new government.

“When you consider that the focus was
so much on the social policy issues, the
budget policy statement indicates that no

He admitted to not knowing how
he would go in the election, but said
that now it’s confirmed he is looking
forward to the job.

The position is responsible for the
university environment, this ranges
from issues such as transport,
through to the construction of capital
development on campus.

The major issues for him concern
the problems with transport and park-
ing and getting[...]a will continue as a Residential As—
sistant in the courts; and to study to-
wards his degree in horticulture.

The actual results were as follows:
FARRELLY Matthew[...]g to ex-
ercise their right to vote, it was still
the highest turnout for any by-elec-
tion of all the universities.

HBWS . . .

ELEN CLARK -[...]in-
competent. She says that he refuses to
put in the necessary hours to do his job
adequately and it shows when people
question him on policy issues.

As far as the next term in government
Labour’s objective will be to hold the
government to account as an effective
and strong[...]ampaign
mode straight away to tell everybody that
the country needs better leadership and
needs to move[...].

“We are taking a very positive ap-
proach to the Whole process," she said.

VICTORY - Ra[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (3)[...]I .

Timetable break Enrolments up slightly
under the


By Tony Parker

Have you ever wond[...]unc—

Mr Rooney voiced his enthusiasm for
the plan, as it allows students the
chance to see where their fees go.

According to[...]s, ‘It’s great to finally allow stu—
dents the chance to see bands. acts and
eVents on campus’. He adds, ‘Lunch-
time theatre is also popular in the
Drama lab, and serves as a platform to
nurture local talent.’

From a political perspective, thethe council's tree felling plans were well
protested, thanks to our new Wednes-
day lunchtime freedom.

Although the University's
timetabling is yet to be desired, and
attempts have been made to sabotage
the Wednesday lunch-break already. Mr
Rooney is horri[...]didn’t finish
until 9:00pm that night.’

The University is attempting to

Present this voucher[...]student coming to me because
their lecturer told the class, if they didn’t
like the hours, then they should com—
plain to MUSA, “[...]congested traffic,
involving lunch time queues in the cafe,
and queues journeying home by car, c)-
our attention span slips as the day drags

Fortunately there are possible sol[...]These
include a staggered lunch -hour break,
with the extra hour on Tuesdays and
Thursdays, or simply bring a packed

Historically, the idea was coined in
1995, where Nicci Coffey took a petition
of around 1000 student signatures, to
the University Council for approval. They
agreed to this scheme and put it into
place. This year is seen as the trial year
for this common time—tabled break. A[...]omment for
either commendations or complaints. If
the vote is negative. it shall be curtailed,
if positive, then the scheme will con-


Student enrolment numbers at
Massey are on target with the universi-
ty’s planning and funding, according[...]e—Chancellor and regis—
trar Bill Tither says the number of
Equivalent Full Time Students (EFTS)

“It is difficult to give exact figures at
the moment as late enrolments, and peo—
ple yet to enrol in the second semester
have to be taken into account, bu[...]olments
and a small decrease in extramural

The Massey College of Education also
has increased EF[...]. There are about 100 more
EF’I‘S students at the college this year.

Mr Rooney believes that the increase
in student enrolments should be viewed
with caution. “I would question the
amount of first year enrolments. I would
suggest[...]s a direct correlation between
these figures and the colossal 16% fee
increase for this year.”

“P[...]s must be con—
sidered as people are staying in the sys-
tem longer. Some people return to fin—

Victoria University has responded to
the threat of court action from students
who are claiming that a paper they took
was substandard.

The university defended the allega—
tions, claiming that academic freedom
p[...]m that quality considerations
do not form part of the contract entered
into between students and their[...]ional quality.

Tui competition
winners anounced

The winners of the orien—
tation competition were an—

nounced l[...]odney Wallace and
Dean Cameron took away
fridges. The computerwent
to Cameron Robinson.

holders.[...]6) 359 O77l


The winners were all first
year students who names
h[...]s were supplied by
Tui and PC General.

WINNERS - The winners get
together for a cold one.

Instead[...]chael Gibbs said
that he had grave concerns about the
ramifications of Victoria’s statement.

“Esse[...]nk students de—
serve more than assurances that the
education they're paying large sums for
is up to[...]uth

Coaches arrive/deport by the
Courthouse In Main Street

,Phone 358-8777[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (4)[...]ion Minister Wyatt Creech is
making it clear that the Coalition Gov-
ernment’s plans for a universal allow-
ance at the level of the dole is not going

to come into effect within the next three '

years, Labour’s Associate Educati[...]ved an ambiguous response to
a question he put to the Minister con-
cerning the progress being made to im-
plement a universal student allowance.

Wyatt Creech told Mr Maharey that
the government was working towards
the development of that policy".

As far as Mr Mahare[...]his response indicates another broken
promise by the Government.

“At election time, students were h[...]n. Stu-
dents have gained absolutely nothing
from the new Coalition Government,” he

NZUSA President Michael Gibbs
called on the Minister to declare his

. news

Officials from the World Bank vis-
ited Massey’s College of Education last
week to learn how the New Zealand
educational reforms had effected
teacher education.

The contingent was made up of rep—
resentatives fro[...]ects of funding, professional develop—
ment and the relationship of tertiary
education to the educational commu-

nity. ,.

The College of Education was‘in-

eluded-in the week long visit because,

it was seen as an insti[...]or structural

hand and to publicly state whether the
Government‘planned to honour the
commitment it had to students in the
coalition document.

“National quickly became a[...]rnment have a
chance to put some honour back into
the Government/ student relationship.
I call on them[...]s visit to New Zealand was de—
signed to enable the visiting countries
to make changes to their educa[...]elp other countries cope with
change, and it gave the World Bank visi-
tors a chance to see for themsel[...]Massey Universities College of Edu—
cation is the preferred site for
Palmerston’s first all weather athletics

The proposal has been backed by the
Palmerston North City Councils recrea—
tion, le[...]year for operational costs.

Clubs who would use the track have
been asked to raise $375,000.

Working Party spokesperson Alan
Bywater says the council committees
recommendations would now go to the
full council for ratification.

“If the recommendation is ratified
than there would be a joint approach

to Massey University by the council and
clubs which would use the track. Dis-
cussions would concern whether the
site was available and on what terms. '

The total costs for the project depend
on what type of surface is used. T[...]s an all weather
track to get people up on top of the
ground in winter"

The next step is the approach to
Massey University. If all goes well then
funding will be the next big issue," he

Police concerned about[...]happening sexual attacks could

become endemic at the university," he

He further highlighted the problem of
students becoming reluctant to get
caught up in the police and court sys-
tem after crimes were repor[...]ustice done but find
it hard trying to deal with the stress of
being involved in the system while they‘re

trying to study.”


$34.00 $102.00

said that they thought the posters
were very reasonably priced, and the
range was excellent.
r Fly Posters travels to all the uni—
Tauranga based business “F 1y versities[...]Massey last week for at Otago and Massey have in the past
their annual poster sale. tended to be higher than at the other
Sales have been fairly good this universities.
year with the most popular poster Fly posters will be back again next
being the ‘Planet Earth’ range. In- year, but for those[...]ge were prints of on purchasing a poster there is the
dolphin’s penguins, Stonehenge and option of using their mail order scrv—
Siberian tigers. The Trainspotting ice.
posters also proved pop[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (5)[...]ews . . .

Beyond poverty
conference beneficial

The spirit of the 300 people who at-
tended the Beyond Poverty: CitiZen-
ship, Welfare and Well-being in the 2 lst
Century conference at Massey Univer-
sity’s Albany campus over the weekend,
was of hope, commitment and energy;
rather than the sense of anger and de—
spair that has character[...]ier conferences. According to Ian
Ritchie, one of the organising group.

“It is time for change!" sai[...]gret was that he had been unable to
attend few of the formal workshop ses-
sions which had covered a very wide
range of topics from the myths and
shortcomings of the “market” concept
that our society is being sq[...]ns for our society in
which we all are valued and the contri—
butions of all are recognised and en—[...]ference participants agreed to
take messages from the conference
back to their organisations and com—
munities, with the intention of chal-
lenging the propaganda that accompa—
nies the policy changes taking place,
particularly those being considered at
the “Beyond Dependency" conference.

“It was great seeing a senior policy
planner walk out of the Department of
Social Welfare’s “beyond Dependency"
conference because of the falsity of what
was being promoted in relation to the
reality of what had been discussed at
the Beyond Poverty Conference" Mr
Ritchie said.

A pu[...]2.30 to 1.30pm at which Mr
Ritchie will report on the Beyond Pov—
erty Conference. He is calling his re-
port “The Emperor has no clothes on”.
All are welcome to[...]ws. . .

UK chemist to lecture

at Massey

One of the most important chemists
ever to visit New Zealand[...]rld-renowned chemist Sir John
Thomas is Master of the University of
Cambridge's oldest college and Profes-
sor of Chemistry at the Davy Faraday
Research Laboratory of the Royal Insti-
tution of Great Britain.

His resear[...]erous nationaland international
awards, including the Davy Medal of the
Royal Society, the Faraday Medal of the
Royal Society of Chemistry and the
Willard Gobbs Gold Medal of the Ameri—
can Chemical Society.

Ranking’s not w[...]ber Roger Kerr.

Vice Chancellor James McWha said
the Vice Chancellors’ Committee had

not discussed[...]you ever had a great idea,,_hesitated and
missed the opportunity? '

Have you ever longed to see some[...]ber of paid places to attend
this course. Contact the Manawatu Sports Foundation no
to take part in thi[...]erally been found not to be very help—
ful in the longer term."

“It turned out to be quite a div[...]m

Including 681’

Sir John is recognised by the United
Kingdom general public for his work
popula[...]600 lectures to live audiences, in—
cluding at the National Galleries of Lon-
don, and lectured on B[...]ed into his radio

He was a member of the UK Cabinet
Office Advisory Committee on Applied
Research and Development between
1982 and 1986, a trustee of the Natural
History Museum form 1987 to 1992, and
a trustee of the Science Museum from
1989 to 1994. Sir John has mo[...]resentations
during-his visit on Tuesday 8 April. The
first, title The World of Catalysis is at
2pm in Massey University[...]ton
North Turitea campus Aston 1 lecture
theatre. The second presentation, Davy
and Faraday - A Tale f Contrasting Gen—
iuses, starts at 8pm at the Manawatu
Science Centre.

Massey University Depar[...]ssor Andrew
Brodie says Sir John is easily one of the
world’s top Chemists and any interested
staff Or public should take the opportu-
nity to attend.

Ring Now F[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (6)the
National Government would call themselves democra[...]ldi Amin's
Uganda, it most certainly is. However the irony is that central government
certainly has the procedures in place to be open and consultative, what
it lacks is the will or commitment to actually listen to the people of the

Many comparisons can be drawn between MUSA and central government.
MUSA also has the procedures and policy in place to provide regular and
meaningful consultation and decision making involving the student body.
However, the fact is, we large degree we don't as well as we c[...]onal, it just ends up easier to make
decisions on the spot rather than to talk to students. Students ar[...]nsure students are involved, and in fact,
driving the decision making process.

It has always been this[...]hat students had a greater say in what we did.
In the three months we have been in office I feel we ha[...]yet MUSA still needs to become more in touch with
the student body.

Two further things are being devel[...]semester to ensure more
student input. These are the establishment of the Student Parliament,
and the beginning of lecture meetings. The Student Parliament is a
regular student forum where students will be allowed direct access into
the running of the association and the setting of policy. The first meeting
will take place on April 16. Lectu[...]MUSA should do when a
contentious issue is facing the University.

Of course there is still the old fashioned way of coming and talking
'Change the MUSA Regulations 1.6 from:

1.6. The Executive Member must submit to the Executive a report of their
Executive activities for the periods to the end of the Easter Mid—semester break, to the end of
the first semester, to the end of the Second Semester Mid—semester break and to 15 November.


1.6. The Executive Member must submit to the Executive a report of their
Executive activities for the periods to the end of the Easter Mid-semester break, to the end of
the first semester, to the end of the Second Semester Mid-semester break and a final report of
the whole years activities to 15 November.

Change the MUSA Regulations 1.8 from:

1.8. That the first report be submitted to the Executive no later than the first
Executive meeting held after the Easter Mid-semester break. That the second report be
submitted to the Executive no later than the first Executive meeting held in the second semester
of that year. That the third re ort be submitted to the Executive no later than the first Executive
meeting held after the Secon Semester Mid—semester break of that year. That the fourth re ort
be submitted to the Executive no later than November 31 st of that year. A full report 0 the
full year's activities shall also be presented by November 31 st of that year for inclusion in the
MUSA Annual Report. The reports of the Maori Students' Collective and the International Students'
Collective are to be presented to Te Manawatahi and the International Students' Association
respectively prior to the presentation to the Executive.

1.8. That the first report be submitted to the Executive no later than the first
Executive meeting held after the Easter Mid—semester break. That the second report be submitted
to the Executive no later than the'first Executive meeting held in the second semester of that
year. That the third report be submitted to the Executive no later than the first Executive
meeting held after the Second Semester Mid-semester break of that year. That the fourth report,
a full report of the full year's activities, be submitted to the Executive no later than November
31 st of that year for inclusion in the MUSA Annual Report. The reports of the Maori Students'
Collective and the International Students' Collective are to be presented to 'l‘e Manawatahi and
the International Students' Association respectively prior to the presentation to the Executive.

Vice President
(Welfare) says

'T[...]rd two young women discussing tertiary education.
The sad thing is that it was not an option for them,[...]Appear
Rather Fauourably In Ectoplasm — Ed) is the group on campus which actively
works against the kinds of attitudes and policies which are keeping[...]st adds to everyday
stress. For more info contact the MUSA office on 350 4500, or keep your

eye on Ch[...]SSLBrl -

Motion: "That the Apologies be accepted”
Motion: "That the minutes of the previous Annual General
Meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record”
Motion: "That the minutes of the previous Special General
Meeting(7/ 8/96) be acce[...]ERS ARISING
Motion: "That the Financial Statements of 1996 be accepted”
7. AP[...]as MUSA
8. 1996 BUDGETS
Motion: "That the 1997 Budgets be approved”

Motion: "T hat the proposed change to the Constitution
regulations 1.6 and 1.8 be ratified”


12pm-2pm SSL[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (7)[...]ment... boxing...
whatever... no comment. Yep, at the
time of writing this column we’re all in
the fallout from the Peters-Banks fly
weight bout in a lobby at Parli[...]eren't dancing. It was biff alright. Not
blood on the floor but hands were
placed on scruffs of necks,[...]y stories, I don’t
think. Who'll ever know what the ref—
erence was about. You see, the Deputy
Prime Minister is in his ‘hazy’ mood.[...]d you agree to sell off hy-
dro power stations in the Coalition ne—
gotiations? ‘Um, I’m kinda hazy about
the details’. Still, I really think that
many commentators — especially John
Armstrong from the Herald - have been
more than chivalrous over the Peters—
Banks bout. To paraphrase John
Armstrong, the altercation was under-
standable. Who can blame the deputy
Prime Minister for being a bit out of
orde[...]ranking is margin or
error stuff. Not to mention the fact,
but Armstrong touched on it, that Pe-
ters[...]ve to say ‘do what?’, ex-
cuse me and back up the trolley. Wom—
en’s Refuge residents and anger[...]this
manure for decades. Centuries. And
here’s the largest circulation daily
newspaper, The Herald, coming up
with excuses for the Deputy Prime Min-
ister being arguably Douglas Ba[...]Cabinet Minister, manhan—
dles a reporter from the Press gallery.
Once Were Jerks. The irony is that just
prior to this display of viole[...]bal agility, I was bemoaning to
a mate how boring the Debating Cham-
ber had been that night. Considering
the violence level in New Zealand, I'll
settle for boring any day. As for The
Herald, the sorry rag could do with a
dose of tabloidism. If this had hap—
pened in Britain, the Deputy Prime
Minister would have been hounded int[...]ike
‘Peters Out‘. But this is New Zealand.
By the time‘ this gets to print, the inci-
dent will have been tidily swept under
the carpet - like very other insult to
voters of the past two decades. This of
course, if you let it.[...]er spending an extremely
frustrating afternoon on the telephone
to SLAM, (Student Loans to those of you[...]aw down that had
somehow failed to materialise in the
expected financial institutions coffers,
I thought that it would be really great
to spend the column this week talking
about free stuff. Completely cost—free
to you, thethe free
hit, MUSA is funding around ten
women to att[...]ly first in,
first served basis. so see me soon.

The other amazing free offer is ac—

tually a repea[...]prise run by MUSA last year in con-
junction with the Manawatu Sports

Namely the “Leadership Course for

Women”. This course c[...]t would be advisable to
contact Georgina Lewis at the Manawatu
Sports Foundation (Phone 358 6004)
and r[...]e she is aware that you are
a student at Massey.

The course is run over the space of
four Wednesday nights from 7 to 9pm
at S[...]ront of others, and develop an under-
standing of the basic skills of leadership.

All undeniably neces[...]world.... so if
I've done a good selling job, and the fact
that there’s no free steak knives doesn‘[...]study hard... just remember, only two
weeks until the break!!!


Student Jo[...]ou see
when you’re sitting in a quiet corner of
the Celtic.

Some of you will have seen out job
boards at the Massey and Hokowhitu
Campuses. Just a reminder that the
Massey one is in the Students Associa—
tion Building, in the corridor just along
from the MUSA office. This has been
supplemented with a job board in the
Disabilities Resource Centre.

If you want to app[...]e currently enrolled
with us. .

* Take a note of the job number (top
left hand side of the card).

* Then ring us on 358 2828 to find
out more.

In about 70% of cases we may be able
to give you the contact information re-
garding this job. Sometimes we won’t
be able to refer you over the phone be-
cause we've got to give you a job descr[...]ten
we won’t be able to refer you to a job
over the phone because WE NEED TO

Stude[...]easing number of problems with
jobs this year and the number one rea-
son has been with the students who
have been referred to the Jobs.

Employers ring us because they know
SJS ca[...]will contact them promptly and who are
suited to the job. Sadly, we will be get—
ting a bit tougher with students being
referred to work. Stu’s calling this the
“strike three and you’re out!" principle.

Wh[...]3. Failing to turn up for ajob.

4. Failing to do the work well.

5. Failing to complete ajob.

6. Givi[...]erral card
should not be interviewed or hired. If
the employer decides to interview or hire
that particular student then SJS bears '
no responsibly on thethe risk of ruining it not only
for the friend who carelessly gave you
the employer details but also for every-
one else.

A[...]vertise a vacancy if you are
no longer able to do the work.


Now, not all jobs turn into a night-
mare and some people even go back to
the employer for further work. Quite
often an employe[...]us and 'let
us know but sometimes they will phone
the student directly and arrange more
work. If thisdo[...]point to other employers.

Easter is coming up at the end of the
week so if you need to earn some extra
$$$ for Easter Eggs for the family come
and see us. It's not all gloom and doom
- remember it’s our job to get you work—

Enter the draw!

' (Ttgnicore

To win a set of manicure

products valued at


When you purchase“ items to the value

of $7.

5 from the Manicare range



Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (8)[...]o Chaff a few weeks ago,
gave a good argument for the term Queer. Yes, accepting
this once derogatory w[...]troversial.
Many older gay/ lesbian people oppose the use of this word, as it brings up hatred
and misunderstandings of the past.

"Out There" (TVl around 12.45am Saturda[...]hat terms they prefer to call themselves. Most of the Lesbian women
preferred Lesbian and Dyke before Q[...](Manawatu Lesbian and
Gay Action), have now added the L (for Lesbian) as the greater community felt that Gay mainly
applies to[...]clinical term placed on Gays and Lesbians
during the "we can cure you" 1950's.

But all said and done,[...]his gear se Just
Watch @ut. There’s Ksim, she's the~
girlie one, and theefithaere's Sean,
he's the site With the bag germs.

Brut t@ be ssrieus fer afat’W
mements, the theught sf Co~
Praezziaes is great it means
thing[...]re semat
great things flartfiat'cl fer
later in" the Tar. Se if gen
haven't d©fia€ se cams.[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (9)The Questions : 1 If you were going to be pierced - W[...]y Nose‘
2 Han Solo 2 Prncess Leia

3 Who? 3 Who the Hell’s that?

4 Hang out on Concourse 4 Play Go[...]yn Monroe

5 If you could bring someone back from the dead, who would it be?

Name - Allan
, h A ' .[...]5 Eddie Aikau r _;V _V y 1 ' 4 G0 to Cristian
(The Father of i * - _, e ., " ' V ._ ‘ ._ .1 ; V,[...]q I q . Degree — BA (1/8111!)

1 Onl game for the Ears » ‘ I i i V' ""3 " i
2 Definately Obi Wa[...]t v ' = ' ” C 5 Kurt CObam

bringing back rom the

aaq 1! p|n0M ouM ‘peap am won naeq auoawos Buuq p|noo noll 1| 9

3 Would you join the Charlotte Holden Fan Club?

uapeleuo sax-[[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (10)[...]ing, after coming
early to tidy things up and get the pa-
per rolling. It’s been bit of a rough
start to the week, Darcy Perry, Design
Maestro and Lord of Freehand told me
he’s leaving the job in three weeks,
which is a damn shame but not[...]t.

I’m sitting in my office, and have
been for the last two hours, watching
the people who make MUSA happen
slowly trickle in to[...]ecause I know when they come in I'll
have to turn the radio down.

Which I’ve just done.

I’m sitti[...]writing
my editorial, which is going to be about
the radio, and what’s. on it, and I'm
thinking “there’s a lot of unhappy peo-
ple in this world and just the other day
a friend said the world was overpopu—
lated. Is it? Or is just that only the
select few hold the resources, which
are plentiful enough to go aroun[...]n, it just happened - brings me
back, somehow, to the radio and the
unknown songs it constantly plays to
me. Except t[...]any happy, angry,
sad, manic hours of listening.

The radio’s small, old, dark and
kinda battered but it’s mine and which
it doesn't have all the features I might
prefer, but sometimes you should go
with what’s yours.

The station is also small, old, dark
and kinda batter[...]o-
lute and strong as well. It doesn‘t play
all the music I’d prefer, but it's start-
ing to. It’[...]ging it’s
playlists, it’s changing my tastes. The
songs that carrying the real feelings of
their parents rather than playing to the
hearts of the market, that reflect the
society we live in rather than picking
up on what ever is deemed trendy, that
make you think after the song is over
instead of just disappearing from your
mind scant seconds after.

I The radio's a Casio, the station is,
of course, 99.4flVI.

Not so long ago I was a dyed in the
wool classic hitter, revelling the joys
of the latest out pourings of people I
know cannot help[...]MCKENZIE

garter 511% (Ma/é

The letter of the week
is either the junniest or
best written letter as
decided by the editors
whim. Which is pretty
whimsey really.

Wi[...]om Bruce
McKenzie Booksellers.

24 March 1997

in the RadMas (as it was then but defl-
nitely isn't no[...]a bunch of druggie losers".

Oh dear, the stupidities we commit
while young.

And now, I won’t‘ bore you with the
slow change of my musical alliances, I
love it. I listen to the breakfast show
every morning, possibly because my
flatrnate is the DJ and runs a very cool
show, and regularly tune in during the
afternoons and during paste up for the
paper. I don’t like all of it, some of the
techno doesn’t thrill me and I’ll never
get into jazz, but that's my problem, not

And the ads, one just played which
said “99.4fM, it’s got‘bubbles." I really
like the ads.

00 oo 00, and the DJs too, they’re
really funny, specially when t[...]n air though.

So, take a risk and have listen to the
station for a week, not just for a day,
for a decent enough time that some of
the songs become recognisable. I get
sick of people w[...]r
30 seconds and, when they didn’t un-
derstand the song, quickly ran back to
the security of the Spice Girls and other
marketing breakthroughs.

Tune in to the station, ring up the
DJs and request a song, ring up the DJs
and just chat, ring up the DJs and scare
them because you’re a strange wee girl
who always rings up the DJs.

Lastly, the best thing about the sta—
tion is that it is yours. While I can’t see
a Billy Ray Cyrus Fanclub Show hitting
the air, you can go and offer your sug-
gestions and[...]‘till then. I’ll
be around though, lurking in the halls
of MUSA, jumping out and scaring peo-
ple a[...]s a commercially bolstered
farce to celebrate (?) thethe story, hmmm? How do
the real people come up with stuff like
Munta’s letter, or Zoo's letter? Brows-
ing the letters page, I read Munta’s mas-
terpiece, and all I could think was “pity
the person that has to type this up". I
thought human[...]s" letter,
but I believe this can be done without
the turn of phrase Munta was using so

On a less serious note, I say kill the
ducks. If they get in the way, bother
humans or shit on the pavement, then
stiff ‘em. Humans are more impor[...]If a duck can
somehow demonstrate their worth to the
world by performing quadratic equa-
tions, or something, then keep them.
Otherwise — into the garden chipper with
‘eml We could make a whole range of
duck products to sell to students. Look
on the bright side. After all, less ducks
means more souls to me.

Yours in disposal

Maugan Ra, The Harvester of Souls

Letter of the week on account of the
details given. — Ed

Dear Mr Ed,

Please, pleas[...]from someone who knows, Fisher
is far lower down the food chain that
MUMS — far, far lower.

I had the misfortune to be subjected

to Fisher food for tw[...]ch an experience Iwas pleas—
antly surprised at the quality of MUMS
food. At least it's edible. From what I
hear of the previous years, MUMS has
improved vastly, and are[...]eat
MUMS each and every day.

As MHD points out, the service to
students is going to decrease at an
added cost. So stop knocking MUMS
and start supporting it. If the catering
goes to Fisher, we’re all cunted. I do[...]sn’t
worthy of replacement, which I doubt,
then the weight of opinion has caused it
to be replaced. If this is the case then
it’s just another example of how NZ s[...]ice, but in cases
where it might help stick it to the fas-
cist bastards in Wellington, I’m willing
t[...]Air de-
mand money from all television owners
on the threat of legal action. They call
it the Broadcasting Fee. Any thinking
person would call[...]ate
Sanctioned Theft. When challenged
about this, the Nazis justify the fee with
either one of two rationales. Sometimes[...]o be taxed
have some democratic representation on
the taxing body. We don’t elect those
responsible f[...]and on Air, so
quite simply they can’t tax us.

The idea that the fee is a charge for
services rendered is also bla[...]hen suing you if you don’t
pay, whether you use the damn thing
or not.

MY advice to all Massey stude[...]Air is
simply do not pay it, because despite all
the threats they may or may not send
you, the bottom line is they are wrong
and they know it. Save yourself the $1 10
for something you do want.

As Bob Jones recently wrote, do not
respect out ‘leaders’ — mock the bastards
instead. By lowering them, we raise all
the decent people in our society.

Live Free or Die .[...]ay... if
you do have a TV and don’t use it what
the fuck do you have a TV for? — Ed

Dear Chaff,

Reading the article about Bennetts I
used to think it provide[...]buy a 200 refill pad at Massey
Bennetts and saw the price, $6.20. I
thought that it was pretty expens[...]passed Whitcoulls
(which everyone knows is run by the
same people as Bennetts) in the Plaza
and saw the same pad for $6.10. Ten
cents may not really be t[...]unt isn’t to pay extra
money. I ended up buying the same refill
from K-Mart for $4.80 or somewhere
th[...]this happening
again. I get any textbooks through the
friendly alternative mail order system,
which is[...]sual prices.
Bennetts is a rip offl

A friend of the Cookie Monster

Lovely Readers,

I just love hang[...]ve a
diverse range of people here at Massey.
From the first years, who are all so
happy, and excited. and kind of scared—
looking, through to the many people who
look so comfortable here t[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (11)[...]elcome
to everyone back at Massey, especially
all the class lst year chicks - about time
we had some ta[...]get your
head out of your missus’ legs and see
the real world. Censorship is needed to
ensure some l[...]in this
ever decreasing society of ours.

As for the ducks, fuck the lot of ‘em.
Now can anyone please explain to me
why the fuck we are paying valuable piss
money on the compulsory counselling
fee? It's a load of bolloc[...]tions, when we can bitch and whine
all we like in the Chaff. Personally, I'm
sure MUSA would agree, to get the most
out of our fees this year, I encourage all
of you to make use of this service, the
week after Easter when we can complain
that we didn’t get enough chocolate from
the Easter Bunny.

Oh yeah, one other thing. I have to
agree with Mr Middle of the Road (Chaff
#3) who was the toss that thought up
the idea of the Student Notes Distribu-
tion Centre? That only second'to the
compulsory counselling fee, this is the
biggest fuck up I have had the pleasure
to endure in my Massey course.

What’s the story with ID cards then?
Massey had to forget to include all the
necessary bits in the enrolment pack,
so we could make out own this yea[...]ly. Wouldn’t we be
better to spend say $15 from the coun—
selling fee on something that even the
Polytech has and can be a little proud
of not to[...]dly.

Get fucked, you all suck.

Yours Sincerely

The Galloping Rash Bandits

Dearest Chaff,

I thin[...]covers some important is-
sues. take for example the suppressed
orange market in China - you'wouldn’[...],
with a little fore-thought one would no—
tice the problems with this proposal -
the sun for instance. ,

I have heard as well, that s[...]anybody thought about what
happens when we reach the year zero?

I am Sam, Sam I am. Green eggs and

Every cow—person eats refried beans.

Love the Hunger—monger, Hungry
Mungry and Sprungy Dungry

Dear Chaff.

5 points to the small minority of peo-
ple who think they represent the ma-
jority. _

I] Hurry up and get rid of the
fucking ducks. Shoot them. Burn them,
nuke them I don’t give a fuck.

2) Cut down the fucking trees and
anyone who gets in the way.

- 3) Anyone who complains about
‘women’[...]intense concentration of rugby
heads would cause the net intelligence
of the area to go into deficit caus -
ing a mini black[...]on. Besides having a women’s
space keeps all of the hairy legged
frumps out of my face.

4) Stop comp[...]reeting. As I thought
I was having a Cigarette at the time I
thought he wanted a ligHt. but no, this

V[...]my way but telL me this: what gives
these people the right to harrass peo-
ple like me? If their relig[...]hove it down other
peoples throats?

“Blood for the blood god”

Kharn the Betrayer

Dear Chaff,

Like every other internal[...]-
ice advertising two cards. a $49 card
entitling the holder to half price fares
till the end of this semester, and a $99
card entitling the holder to free bus rides
till June. However, beca[...]not been able to take
advantage of this deal, as the buses will
not take my wheelchair. So why'should
the buses be wheelchair accessible?

I believe that t[...]ople who stand to benefit from
accessible buses. The obvious group of ,
people is those people who hav[...]who would
not have to worry about what to do with
the pram/pushchair. Thirdly, older
adults can find steps tricky, and would
benefit from the sloped entrance.
Fourthly, the bus companies would win.
It has been shown that w[...]time
is wasted at bus stops. Last but not
least, the general public benefit, with
shorter delays at b[...]ccessible) bus be more expensive? Not

really, as the price of buying a new bus

regardless of whether it’s of the variety
we're used to or wheelchair accessible,
is about the same. The only extra ex-
pense is the bit that extends from the
bus door to the footpath.

What is the current public transport
service to people with disabilities like at
the moment? Absolutely awful. We have
two options, either taxis with a 50% dis-
count for the first 25 rides per month (a
student with classes[...]), or another com-
pany which charges a set fare.
the company with the set fare as this is
cheaper, but have been unimpr[...]on
meant that I got back to my flat too late,
and the person who comes to get my
meal, left as I wasn't[...]time when car pooling is being
encouraged, why is the University not
pushing for accessible buses (because I

. can't use a bus I am adding to the

amount of traffic), is Massey unaware
or are th[...]about it?

A final thought, if I could use buses
the amount of money I would save in
transport costs over the 26 weeks of lec-
tures is the same as what Labour were
claiming to lower full-t[...]s election.
L Prenter.

Dear Chaff,

Yesterday on the telly I saw some-
thing that made me get out of m[...]ould
flock to see it and we could all be proud!

The Telly watcher

Dear Chaff, ,
' Let us all focus on the negative shall





we? The students notes queues, the
crap weather, the shit-stirring of a few
letter writers. ,

Yeah, g[...]. If we try really hard we
might even get through the whole year
without ever lifting a finger to try[...]sn‘t it nice to be out here at
Massey? With all the friendly ducks and
lecturers. With all the lovely smiling
people who offer you such companio[...]Have a lovely day fellow students, lots
of love

The Happy Faerie.

Dear Munta,

many thanks for your[...]story, unfortunately I am unable to print
either. The letter you have sent is over
750 words long, a tad more than the 300
preferred word count.
. The short'story is the sickest piece of
morally corrupt filth that I haveever had
the pleasure of reading and even though
it was lotsa a fun, I don’t think the gen—
eral populace shares my tastes in sick
seminal based humour. The internet

would be the best media to use to share

your obvious talents.

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (12)[...]hat has since
Y" ‘ :1 2 1 , then become one of the most p ular stories in the

' world. 1977 Saw the release 0 STAR WARS, and

instantly it was .a[...]dent, THX-I 138, Lucas
still managed , to impress the executives of UhiverSal‘_ Studios.
One of the more astounding things about STAR WARS was‘that[...]aleithat came? before it
— Theltflzard of 102, The Sword in the Stone; just about'every Errol Flynn
swashbuekler,:Tatzan and Sir Gawain theGreen Knight,.,And,when the
climax of the film‘i’oecurs, fyou 'canse'e aspects of The pambusteits,"And who
outthereisn" reminded 0 Fran[...]el" that,_STAR ,. ~ ‘
. s I , -« Mghgdizwith the,
V of STAR, I[...]lment in his story of high 5 ‘ ’MPlRE
This is the darkest mm of the three;

body gets fucked over by the bad
guys. Luke loses a hand, Han Solo gets encase[...]es- his-El ” ' {over Cloud City,
and it seems the Dark Side has the up get hand which it does. ’
Yet at the same time, Luke is growing in the cities-beiéf‘andt an are slowly
\ figuring ou[...]or each other is aetua and Darth Vader
7: a ’ the command staff of the Empire liIs'; pc'or 3b things aren‘t

Hit-15984,: eight years
after the release of
-THE";JEDI was
' ' j ' , v’j feleased (into a worl[...]not failg‘to please audiencesas itvilrapped up the
second storysarc, although it was slightl criticised for including the oh—so cute
and adorable‘Ewoks that gave THE“ URN OF THE JEDI a higher cutesy
ating than almost anything-else'before it;
,THE RETURN OF THE JEDl was the crux of the story. The Allied Rebellion
triumphed over the eytl'Etnpjte. Darth Vader redeems himself rinto light by
g-throwing the evil Emperor Ealpatine to his death. Luke reaches hislgoal - Jedi
.astatus, and the universe rejoices v ’ - ~ '

million has been spent oni'the trilogy of
movies. New when STAR WARS is released[...]sley will

fii-a.,bustling;space port‘gusin “the same technology as Casper the Friendly
_ Ghost-Jabba'the Hutt will sit er across the floor of hangar 9 and the rebel

V? assa *ltion the Death Star is going to be much less static and fa[...]K I

City seeminglmo‘i‘ewlike a city. As the place where the msgorityVOfsfiie’i "
happens, CloudCity needs the attention. The Imperial assault on Hath-theme
world, is going, t[...]ger and in depth. who knows what‘s been
done to the’,ehase‘_fl1rough the asteroids. ' ' ‘ * i ‘ ~ ‘

199?. APRll'Zgflh RETURN OF THE JEDI will be released, and its the
one matrlmfinflhas stayed tight lipped about, I[...]ommend seeing
it because illspart (if-what‘s of the 20th anniversary. But I can say that it has
an extra minuteiand a half of the band in Jabba's palace, all‘brought more to
life with the computer enhancements. ' '

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (13)‘ V5 1 , _ Industrial Light and Magic, the com any that was set up in 1975
1 ‘ ' ‘ " by[...]eated
, .1 special effects for Indiana Jones and ,the Last Crusade Hook,
Jurassic Park Schindlers List lnnerspace, Who Framed Roger
Rabbit?, Back to the Future II and III, The Flintstones Casper The Rocketeer,
most of the Star Trek series, The Hunt for Red October The Witches of Eastwick,
Ghost, Radioland Murders, Forrest Gump ,The Mask Jumanji, Dragon Heart
Twister and Mission: Impossible With a CV like this you can guarantee that
The Special Edition of STAR WARS is going to look fan[...]und

1 I; ~; system for theatres
/ especially for the STAR
‘ WAR S m 0 vi e 5

Downtown Cinema 8
with regards to THX, but only a ban eof cm- in' the United States alone
has the system installed No ytheauein New Wand has it But[...]ch is going to be in Daisy, - ta! This will be or the first week
only, so get in quick, and expertmoef[...]“‘ , One begins to wonder about
. M 1 the motivations of George
' 11 i Lucas for releasing The Special
; “a Edition One could say he's
- 1 gre[...]d, Young [radians Jones Now that Lucas knows that the technologyr can; 1

do what he wants it to do, and about how much its oing to cost, it opens the
way for himdoing the preq.uels The filming starts eary19g98. And from episode
be th[...]s aJedi,
:haye‘ children and then get turned to the Dark Side it will almost
wrenching experience to[...]ou. kid'. Who at some stage,

halisn' i said 'Use the force. Luke'. Own up, we know you. have; Who at some

stage hasn't emulated the breathy maék’ or Darth Vader, or. the crack— hiss of.

a light— saber. Oits[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (14)Peter "Yorky" Crossland Victor Two,
Inside Iraq the crucial SAS mission.
Penguin $29.95

Standing as a testimony to the nature and routine of SAS missions since
the unit's inception as the Special Air Service in WWII. The regiment
takes some of their finest psychotic boy scouts back to the extended
neighbourhood where the British Army's thug special forces unit first
started putting the wind up Her Majesty‘s most wanted.The SAS. This
likely bunch of hooligans comprises the final ejaculation of the near rigor
mortic corpse that is recruitment for the armed forces in Great Britain
today. The wasted seed of the Bulldog breed tools around South Western
Iraq looking for mobile Scud Launchers. The Scud, maximum effective
ranges 650kms, if attache[...]e launcher. Fired from night sites
established at the whim of their individual commanders, the accuracy
of these spawn of Von Braun is thus compromised with the result of
, rendering an otherwise graceful phallus of destruction impotent.Sadam,
' the Puppet Prince of Bagdad, chuckles cause he's laughing all the way
to his Swiss bank account at CNN‘s latest obsession.Thanks primarily
to the hysteria whipped up by an international press corps that's been
herded into news bins by the media control mechanisms evolved during
the Falklands, Grenada and Panama conflicts. Oh yeah and the info
Barons of Aussie and England do their bit to vilify this instrument of
war. Just so the Scud becomes primarily a terror toy.So our likely lad
Yorky, and the rest of his column get sent on a goose chase that is
essentially a terror mission, whacking the odd Iraqi installation as the
whim and Winds of military intelligence attempt to co-ordinate the blood
feast that was the Gulf War.The actions of these men, Whose self control
has been consumed by the paranoia of service in Northern Ireland and
the Wet Ops of fifty years of peace secured by the Damocles sword of
mutual nuclear annihilation, ro[...]so, in fact, I couldn't finish it. ‘
Hell tells the unlikely story of Billy Mud, rock singer, poet an[...]p his habit.
It is difficult to ascertain whether the arrogant, self absorption is that
of the author or narrator. My suspicion is that Hell has[...]and drugs boring.
Richard Hell has that talent.

the truth is here...

{Books with BRUCE

(Bruce Wkenz[...]I think Manhattan Nocturne is really really good.
The End,

No, seriously, it was the honest insight into a New York reporter's mind,
as he deals with the onset of a twisted love affair with a 'grieving'[...]basically turned upside down as he tries to solve the mystery
of her husband's sudden death, and it soo[...]kept finding myself all tensed up, not because of the
incredible plot, but because THIS MAN IS CHEATING[...]N'T FEELING GUILTY!!!

Sorry, I guess I just took the emotional women's interpretation of the
story, and it fucked me off how this man, who, ad[...]ng-doing. $000, I started feeling guilty for him, the

Yet, the plot was wickedly intense, and exciting, (How DOE[...]nvolved, and wow! it’s
just great!

Even though the plot starts getting kinda sticky and mental, it d[...]ch as I did, it will look great on your
shelf, as the cover is all slinky feeling, and there's a pretty[...]ed by both men and women, or inbetween people, as
the guys probably would understand the male way of thinking in this

guy's brain.[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (15)[...]r

(Dead Can @ance - 5m (Ubiquitous W @yeflrove

The trio solemnly watched the man being interviewed
on the news report concerning the train crash over the
Awatere river. He was the very same dead man they
had hauled ashore earlier in the day, whose abdomen
had been ripped open. There he[...]alking with reporters, perfectly unharmed.
He was the only survivor the reporter said, and all other.
bodies had been accounted for, most still trapped within
the carriages hauled out of the flooded river.

‘This is way wrong.‘ Said Mar[...]ere.‘ Said Ariane.

'1 just‘long ago accepted theThethe

demanding stares from Marc and Simon. Men, she
g[...]e saw. I'm just asscrewed up over this2 'j -'

as the two of you. are. but I accept it.‘
‘So, what[...]doijwe- "
agree toseeing that man“, who killed the owner. here ._
make Simon dispel him or banish him. saying they . f f
of thethe one who allayed
our fears of a quick death. just[...]all alone. I mean,

i [can arrange travel out Of the._'cOuntry.>I‘ve got money.

I... We don't need[...]ard, you run away? I
s ' rised you can make if to the next day if that's your
phi osophy on life.‘ g.[...]'Simon? Is this he

5 how he wouldn't be there. The guilt welled beneath

his exterior threatening to[...]a pair of overalls are here
solmewhere. I'll get the money from the
til .‘ '


“""W‘Inu . .-

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (16)*0! FW

Well, it‘s five weeks into the year and
by now all you second years out
flatting for the first time should just
be starting to learn what flatting's
really like.

You see, for the first week everyone's
excited about livin with al[...]way to be friendly and keep
everything tidy.

By the second week thethe place.

By the third week the dishes are
starting to turn mouldy in the sink
and you're getting seriously irritated
by your flatmates habit of cleaning
the lint off his shirt with your

W Joy/i, I

In the fourth week, the dishes in the
sink have become welded together,
the fridge is completely empty except
for half a bloc[...]e shade of
yellow and a mysterious green thing
in the back of the fridge which nobody
can quite identify. The toilet seat is
so covered in pubic hairs, guests[...]y

seat covers, starvation has forced you

to eat the cat and your flatmates
fondness for setting fir[...]e stabbed
your flatmate to death with a fork
and the dishes in the sink, having
somehow evolved into higher life
for[...]ort. You
probably can't even remember what
colour the carpet used to be now that
it‘s covered with a[...]know you're in real
trouble when you're thinking the
carpet probably needs a clean and
then you remember that your floor's
lino). The shower mat in the
bathroom will be mouldy and you'll
need to wear shoes everytime you go
to the toilet because there's an

I unpleasant tendency for bare feet to

stick to it. The flat will also be overrun
by strange creatures t[...]even look at
them without being overwhelmed with
the desire to rip their intestines out
through their rectums. (A little tip

to help you in the flat ower struggle:

Try and get hold 0 the television
remote'control. In a flat, whoever
holds the remote holds ultimate

And finally, of course, there is the
problem of food. In a flat, food is
constantly in short supply which is
directly the fault of the government
and the pitiful amount of money they
give us. Why after you've paid for
Sky, the Internet, videos, computer
games, and half dozen[...]dy
doesn‘t mean you can't eat it (that
includes the shower mat). If the milk's
gone offjust wait a few weeks and
you will[...]ciousness.

Final thought: They're getting rid of
the people who provide MUMS
catering and they are going to kill the
ducks. Surely I'm not the only one
who thinks it should be the other way


M@M@E’E mime


Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (17)the year's lunchtime
performances, to beheld every Wednesday in the
Drama Lab, and for the price of just a gold coin!
"Knot a Problem" is a[...]us.

"But what is it all about?", I hear you ask. The
monologue follows the life of a North Otago man from
early childhood to adolescence to adulthood, using
different knots along the way to illustrate different
points, with a set co[...]ust Murray, a chair,
and a length of rope. During the show, the marvellous
knots of Malcolm Murray are used to explain the
mysteries of DNA, the theory of relativity, the
difficulties of learning to tie your Shoelaces and
perhaps most of all of the nature of relationships.

A major feature of the script is the strong personal
content, and as one audience memb[...]1 Isl 'w

. AN


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Enter the draw!

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profdycts v[...]almost as intimately as if you
were there.

While the script is based on fact, and details the
North Otago childhood that is clearly dear to Murray‘s
heart, it is not entirely autobiographical. The love
interest character of Columbine, for example[...]e he has known,
rather than an actual individual. The end result is
a story of the loss of innocence and of the ways of
love for a New Zealand male, and it remains strongly
personal and immediately accessible to the audience.

Though the story contains different 'subplots‘ that
all ru[...]ston North
Ph (06) 357 9199

all together towards the end of the piece. Such is
the skill of the knot-making, you could be forgiven
for thinking Murray had been tying them all his life.
The truth, however, is that in the two months leading
up to his first performance for the 1996 Wellington
Fringe Festival, he was taught the art by an old one—
legged English sea captain,[...]rmance that even gets you to think a little along
the way. If you have a chance to see it, do. I[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (18)[...]riginally released in 1983, this has to be one of the greatest heavy metal albums of all
time. Part of the NWOBHM movement, Raven play some of the most energetic and
furious metal you could hope to hear. Fronted by the Gallagher brothers, this album
will blow yOUr hea[...]etal", "All For One", "Sledgehammer
Rock", "Break the Chain" and "Seek and Destroy" are as hard’ as they sound. This
album is up there with "Number of the Beast" and "Denim and Leather" as far as
metal cl[...]‘777041‘755

Released in 1984 this is part of the remastering of all Kiss back catalogue.
When this album came out, Kiss were in top form. Hot on the heels of "Lick
it Up" came this superior metal album. With Mark St John appearing on
guitar for the only time on a kiss album and Eric Carr now a ful[...]member , Kiss were hitting hard rock heights even the 70's couldn't touch.
"Under the Gun", for example is perhaps Kiss's definitive h[...]tar work from St John while "Heavens

on Fire" is the albums most well known song and an excellent slic[...]fic songs include "I've Had Enough",
"Thrills in the Night" and "While the City Sleeps". This is top quality

metal and Kiss[...]of Castles remastered series, this is to my mind the best
Sabbath album recorded with Ozzy Osbourne. S[...]en this came out but this albums strengths lie in the fact that
they were now making songs like "Rock and Roll Doctor", "Backstreet Kids"
and "Gypsy" instead of the usual "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" kind of stuff.
There is far 'more of a rock and roll fee to this album that the doom laden
riffing of previous efforts. "You want[...]traditional though a
really heavy doomy rocker in the usual manner. "It's Alright" sees Bill Ward
take the lead vocals on a song Ozzy hated while "All Moving Parts" sees the
band in hard rock heaven. Although criticised in the past, this is in retrospect
a real classic. Sabba[...]le these heights again when Ian Gillan
joined for the "Born Again" album, but that is for another revie[...]es

This 17 track album is a superb collection of the finest moments from one of Americas greatest
har[...]Roth era tunes like "Aint
Talkin’ 'Bout Love", "The Cradle Will Rock", "Jump" and "Panama" represent some of the hardest
rock ever to hit vinyl while "Unchained" from 1981 is the best song on the entire album,’Van
Halen at their best. The "Diver Down" album of 1982 goes unrepresented however, an album
reviled by the band themselves. When Roth left experienced front[...]Stop Lovin' You" are Hagar era at it's very best.
The Hagar contribution "Human Beings” is a seriously hard rocking affair While the
two new Roth songs "Me Wise Magic" and "Can't Get This Stuff No More" are the best
Van Halen songs since Roth left! No disrespe[...]this is a superb greatest

hits album from one of the all time best hard rocking , hard partying[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (19)[...]ton North V , .. _ ,
rounds up 25 Palm , ' _ > 1; the most part, is an
excellent represent _> ‘ " '
acclaimed as the st _
singularity and loud
influence on several
Lung. The majority 0
music scene over th;

Ehear the Skeptics
is tably Damask and
"ality of the Palmy

ifferent tracks from

, “ ‘ . , x. . _[...]a better

choice of song); it's also a pity that the Froit Head song has been

chopped (why notchooseashorter song if space was a roblem?),

and the Meat Market one was mastered off a record. Piti ul, also, is

the fact that in the inlay the producers of this otherwise excellent

release reveal themselves to be sexist bastards by failing to mention
the fact that Dog Tooth Violet actually make music an[...].94 Okhz of White Piss

Instalment number nine in the Valve compilation series is here, though it's kinda different from the rest,
in that there's not as much Palmie music as usual, though that's obviously due to the fact that Yellow Bike
has relocated to Nelson. As[...]which makes interesting readin while listening
to the sounds, as usual some of it is incomprehensible.[...]from Dave White's
novel "Battery Acid“. As for the album, it's pretty noisy. Palmie's Motorsheep sound heaps different than
usual, though it‘s the first time I‘ve heard them recorded with the new singer guy (atleast [think it‘s him).
Other[...]s Wholesale Drainage and Phallus appear, although the trag§§.,.§,ggones we know
already, which seems[...]Kitsch and Ineb‘fia ‘ ”wsovplen, s, '
from the likes of Jack Black, Birchville Cat Motel and The Longsho ‘ '
though, is Cattle‘s "Cold", which[...]have
hoped for. Matt Wright chicken-
walked about the stage, barking
out song after sOng, keeping
the crowd dancing for the entire
set. They played a good range
of songs fro[...]hemselves
(whic always helps a live
performance). The highlight for
me was an excellent rendition

of "[...]ffer were great.

Elise ’ , '
the top H is made from your requests, dial 3504 994 now!

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (20)[...]In a demonstration of my
commitment to this job, the
other morning, I rose at some
ungodly hour before the sun
had risen to survey what is on offer for thos[...]lectures.

I was mainly interested in samplin the cartoons, but
upon rising and stumbling towards e[...]ife (or possibl Ken himself in Drag)
enlightening the thousands 0 people who choose to
watch television between 5.40am and 6.00am by
readin to them from the Book of Hebrews. I don't
think ese shows have qui[...]burn a few
books, persecute a few non-believers. The ratings
would go through the roof.

Soon enough, however, we hit the hard stuff: the
cartoons. First up was The Ewoks Animated . After
five minutes of watching the Ewoks throwing a party
that gets gate—crashed by some nasty creatures I was
beginning to wish that the p had been gate-crashed
by Darth Vader and a squad 0 Storm troopers instead.
Then we could have had The Ewoks Exterminated,
which strikes me as a much mo[...]e—time
for early morning cartoons. On Three was the Magic
Box, which was serving up traditional stories from

Europe. Very worthy, but no match for the hard-
drinking, hard—fighting panda on Two. That's right,
Jin Jin and the Panda Patrol mi ht sound like a safe

bet for the little kiddies,- but on e episode I saw Jin
Jin m[...]new Kung Fu, barged in
a decadent dog party, beat the shit out of the dog
wrestling champion, and then proceeded to get pisse
on What the narrator claimed was lemonade. How
come I never start seeing stars and staggering around
the room when I drink lemonade?

Speaking of drink, the other bonus of early morning
TV is the ads for the toys, such as, and I am not
making this up, Potty Training Kelly ("she really drinks
and tinklesl")

The next cartoon was Phantom 2040, a futuristic
Gothic reworking of the comic which appears at the
back of thethe time of the morning.

Little did I realise that "From a far a[...]ture was about to begin."
No, not Star Wars , but the phenomenon that is
Sailor Moon. This cartoon drives home the point
that the Japanese are, without a doubt, the most
bizarre people in the world. Who else could have
come up with the concept of teenage girls with
disproportionately[...]they proclaim, efore
crying and running away from the evil villain. Just
as well Tuxedo Mask, the handsome good guy. was
on hand to save them.

The[...]ting talent that was creeping up in Sharon Stone.
The film immediately throws ou into the action with
an explosion that seemingly ki ls off the main character
and moves on swiftly. Next, Elaine[...]ve created a beautiful collage of Vegas neons for the
opening credits that resembles their was”; Alfred
Hitchcock's "Vertigo" The story then takes over.
Scorcese uses a documentary style to set up the plot.


95 Albert Street
Phone & Fax

(06) 358 4994


Weget voice-overs from the main characters, Sam
Rothstein (Robert De Niro) and Nicky Stantoro' (Joe
Pesci], on how Vegas and, mainly, the casinos work
and how they took advantage of the system to rise to
power. After the set-up, the real story kicks in with
the introduction of Ginger McKenna, masterfully played
by Sharon Stone. Ginger is the most powerful and,
respected woman in the casino, picking pockets and
stealin from men whil[...]who
goes to great lengths to ensure legitimacy on the part
of the customer in the casino. He falls in love with
Ginger, and, in an alarmingly emotionless scene, he
proposes to her. The proposal turns out to be a
business proposition.[...]ms to. But she does love money, and
Sam has lots. The stage is set for a disastrous fall
from power, which is hinted at in every scene of the
film, but only revealed in the last reel. What is so
remarkable about "Casino" is that is seems to be the
culmination of several films Scorcese has directed over
the past few years. Besides the obvious comparisons
to the physical violence in "Goodfellas" and "After
Hours", some of Scorcese's last film, "The Age of
Innocence" appears here - mainly in the form of social

commentary and the society of the time. Robert De
Niro gives another marvellous performance as Sam
Rothstein. He does more than the typical mobster
figure from "Goodfellas". he tries to overcome his
Mafia ties by immersing himself in the culture of a
city where iHegal ways are worshipped. De Niro provides
the king around which the kin dom comes crashing
down. Sharon Stone, surprising y, is great. She starts
out as the typical mon —grubbing woman of dependent
means but takes the c aracter to another level as her
marriage becomes destructive. Her downward spiral
is perhaps the most heart felt in the film, a remarkable
feat by Stone since her character is despicable. Pesci
is great, but this is the same as his performance he
gave in "Goodfellas". He is the stick of dynamite with
a slow-burning fuse, killi[...]ames Woods as
Gingers 'friend' and Don Rickles as the floor manager
of the casino. "Casino" is not an easy movie to like.
It is very violent, with lots of gruesome gangland gore,
and the three—hour running time.wi11 no doubt bother
some people. Scorcese knows exactly the story he
wants to tell you and will not compromise his art.
You just have to go into the film knowing it's long and
completely absorb yourself into the plot, which is
complicated, but never boring.

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (21)[...]MARCH TO




The Downtown Cinema 8 Competition

Identify the correct movie and actor for
each quote.

Question[...]ze - Half eaten SNICK S bar.

Question Two
Who is the VOICE of Darth Vader?
Prize - Book of ten supa sa[...]hink that it could have
had a different plot from the first. Even being slightly
different would have[...], who goes
to movies for stories, huh? ~

Oh yes, the sets and models, backdrops and locales >

are won[...]ht. out and detailed. It brin s
to your attention the cigy of Los Angeles as it wou d
be after some sor[...]gone down,
because there was bugger all people in the city). The
yellow sky perpetually overcast and is very prett[...]ent at all, this
paints us a picture of a city on the rocks.
The direction was well done, with plenty of scope for
the city and the feel of the urbanjungle but casting
could have done with a few extra bucks to hire more
people to sit around in the background and shake
and shiver on the drugs that were prevalent in Tim
Pope's post apoc[...]es, its another
tragically killed hero rises from the dead with all the
powers invested in him by the crow spirits and starts
to kill, one—by—one, the killers of both him and the
one person that was most important in his life.
I[...]ally good job of his part as Curve,
lieutenant to the drug tyrant Juda (Richard Brooks),
which isn't al[...]I hear Iggr Pop is just
like Curve, Lieutenant t0 the drug tyrant Juda. Iggy
has some really cool hey-I'm-fucked—out—of—my-mind
scenes, which all adds to the bizarreness of a Sadism
and Masochism he staggers through while getting
away from Ashe (Vincent Perez), the new crow.
Mia Kirshner plays the role of Sarah. You remember
the young skate—boarder from the ori inal Crow?
Her. She's the connection to the first ilm and the
first Crow. In the beginning, she's the only one who
any concept about what's happening to the
unbelieving Ashe. ,

Oh, guess what. Juda. the big bad guy, has a sidekick
seer who tells him what to do. Surprise, huh?
I'm in the belief that the whole movie might've been

Finally, I get to r[...]y entertainment, rather that waiting to
see it on the big screen. It's funny you know, my
flatmates se[...]now that I'm not carrying a big knife around. And
the twitching's stopped too.

Down to business. Buckl[...]stice. At least that's
what you would expect
from the preview. In
reality [or movivity,
whichever you p[...]ht, a girlfriend that manages to
get kidnapped by the bad-guy making a daring rescue
the thing to do. etc etc etc. There's even the drive-
the—cars—too—fast—over—the-hilly—road bit, in
slooooooowww repeat repeat r[...]ences.

Halfway through, if you have already seen the first
crow, you'll probably start to wish that Vi[...]pretty good actor, but
you could have played spot the dodgy special effect
for the shots where computers did the acting for him.
I have to put it in that Thuy Trang, the Pink Power
Ranger, is a surprisingly good actor,[...]i.e.: She isn't wearing a silly
suit and fighting the forces of not-niceness.
The soundtrack. Well, there's a good track by PJ
Harvey on it... White Zombie just didn't fit with the
whole feel of the movie. Actually, not many of the
bands appearing on the soundtrack really did fit with
the urban primitive and S&M feel the movie had. "I'm
your boogie—man. boogie—man," blaring at you as Ashe
walks from the flames of his first vengeful kill didn't
sit right. The music was poorly selected, and poorly

Ri[...]lly tell you what that is I wouldn't want to ruin the
movie for you. Not that there's much different from
the original that I can ruin, but, you know...?
The other day, someone asked me who Stan Winston
was after I mentioned him in the review for the Island
of Dr Moreau. Stan Winston is a special effects artist
who has worked on the Alien, the Predator, he worked
on a lot of the effects for Terminator I & II and he did
the vampire effects for Anne Rice's Interview with a
Vampire. I believe he also did the gorilla effects for
Congo, but don't quote me on[...]le since a fast-paced Hollywood co movie
has done the rounds, and Eddy Murphy id well
with the Beverly Hills Cop movies. As a consequence,
I was[...]s
a wee bit of a let down —
he just didn't have the
wise—cracking cop thing
working. The stunts
were average, but were
all done before things,
and the original plot bits
just weren‘t. I went into
the movie expecting and
looking forward to the
wisecracks, and they were sadly lacking, something
that can be said of much of the movie as well.
Now, I know that quite a few peopl[...]I would
have enjoyed this lots more. If you're in the mood
for an undeman’ding movie, and don‘t want to spend
your money on the friend of all students Al Cohol,
then go t[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (22)The force 15
strong in this
This week CHAFF[...]ill be giving away a voucher I ll...
each week to the first correct entry drawn in the crossword compo. BUT
_WAIT - THAT'S NOT ALL!! Every correct entry throughout the year goes
in the draw to win a fantastic prize package from PLANET[...]ceive hiscprize for last weeks I ’ Q
crossword, the power of the Force will swell an flow through him, :5
which Is[...]bie all by ourself, bso
don't let it be said that the Force 13 the only power in the a axy capable
of propelling you 0 new highs.
Agai[...]eek’s Answers
mee ah hack. Across

4M 1 Chaff 4 the 7 tosser 8 doh 9 hi 10 ra 12 kill 15 bugger 16 te[...]'PiIOt on HOth' and something 300d to smoke (3) 1 The Dark Lord of the Sith, and everybodies favourite bad guy, he s
7 Chewbacca' 5 race. (6) Darth (5)

8 Han -—.—:—' the scoundrel. (4) 3 The s—hip that made the Kessel run in under 5 parsecs, its the

9 Abbreiviated name of (2 across) (5) Millenium _(6) 7

10 The universe s most feared bounty hunter. (4'4) 4 He' 3 Jabba the Hutts lieutenant, and has a very weak will. His n[...]akin —— (9) 6 Gran—d Tarkin was overseer of the Deathstar project. (4) .
16 The first name of the Sallustan Co—pilot who assaulted the second . 11—S—kywalker' 1s Luke's father and[...]B, and 100k for a clue elsewhere on thls page) 13 The mysticla power that surrounds us and binds us together. (5)
17 ____Lucas 18 the creative genius behind the STAR WARS movies. 14' 'Help me _—Wan you r my o[...]ltbs lemon juice

. tbs chutne . 50 sultanas

off the

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (23)[...]er.
Phone: 3591257 after 6pm. .

Who wants to see the South Island and
tramp some tracks until the middle of
April 1997? Backpacking from about Apri[...]and furniture
at bargain prices at Vogel House in the
Rossmont' Shopping Centre, 9 Vogel
Street. Just o[...]orolla. Fully warranted,
registered and ready for the open high—
way. Comes with AWA 25 Watt stereo w[...]spa pool, phone 3541032


THE SRI LANKAN CLUB — general meet-
ing will be held at the Club House on Mon-
day thethe Massey University Multisport
Club on Campus. Chea[...]7095 or Neil 3587693

MUMSA — BBQ to be held on the 26th of
March, at 6.30pm in the Kiwitea Lounge.
Inviting all MUMSA members. (Free[...]year celebrations. In culmina-
tion with this we the Returnees are con—
ducting the “Project Helping Hart‘d”
whereby we are goi[...]5 developing countries. Our
schools will be from the Samarinda re-
gion in Indonesia. If you‘re inte[...]4

all Postgrads. The first official Post Gradu—
ate Student’s Cl[...]rata, at 4pm, Wednesday, March
26. Come along for the happy hour be—
tween four and five. Free food to meet
the Student Executive.

CAREERS INFORMATION SERVICE -[...]mploying organisations. If
you're wanting to make the informed ca—
reer decisions, improve your basic[...]llect Career Bulletin Number

One from CIS before the Easter Break
and check for updates after Easter.[...]nd practice lis-
tening and assertiveness skills. The group
will assist students to express their wants[...]will provide an opportunity to learn
and practice the skills necessary to cope
with being at University[...]oun-

' .selling Service on 3505935 or ext 5935.

The facilitators would like to meet briefly
with those interested before the groups
begin. Please make an appointment with
Stu[...]g Service secretaries
indicating your interest in the groups. All
groups will be held in the House 40 be-
hind Student Counselling Services.

KAOS — Is up and running. The first
round was a success?’ The nest meeting
is this Wednesday in The Boardroom for
a PARANOIA round. Any new or inter-[...]er
to be bold, be brave, and BE AFRAIDI

MAGE — The Massey Gaming Club is all
about Gaming. If you pl[...]terested in war
games or shagey games then we are the
club for you. Meetings are Sunday after-
noons in the Kiwitea Lounge. Anyone in—
terested in having a say about the run—
ning of the club and ALL executive mem—
bers, please meet THIS Wednesday in the
boardroom, for some important decisions.

sor TN Krishnan, “The Living Legend Of
Indian Classical Music" will be[...]IATION IS ACCOUNTABLE.

Massey University English Language Cen-
tre is of[...]in English to support them in their stud—

The following classes Will start after
Easter, ie, fr[...]exts.
Thursday 3.30—5.00
tion. ’


The above course are fully subsidised,
however a regi[...]is is
. not a proof reading service). Please
ring the Re—
ceptionist, ext. 5126 to make an

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (24)ION RE

The measure of
a man’s thirst

Netball News _

H[...]ball news. This week is just a
reminder of all of the things coming up in the near future within the Club. As
mentioned last week, the Clubrooms have been found and they are shown in the
map below.

Car Park
Club Rooms Burger Wisconsin[...]lJON”

Ferguson Street

There is an opening for the season planned with rugby but the date is yet to be
set. We are hoping that this will be supported by all of you in a big way.

The A1 and A2 teams have been finalised and are as f[...]r
Lorraine Monohan
Kelly Creighton
Chrissie Wake

The A3 and below were announced on Saturday and will be printed in next weeks
edition. The teams will also be posted on the noticeboard at the Rec Centre for
those of you who were unable to at[...]Tourney team has been put together consisting of the majority of the
A1 team and a few of the A2 girls. We are travelling to Dunedin for a thre[...]r.

Today there is a netball meeting at 6.30pm at the Clubrooms. ALL TEAMS MUST
BE REPRESENTED. If your[...]will not be playing


The first pre—season for Varsity was
welcomed, as it really hasn't happened
for some years given the changes in
the academic format.

Rams did the business initially in
sustaining the Bay pressure who had
scored early points, however, continuity
prevailed and we kicked on in the
second half to take the game

to have a lick of the cherry before code
actually starts. More so for the fact
that we were able to look at prospective

Lastly, while the format for the Rams
looks new, there are definitely some
promisi[...]owards out first competition
game against Linton. The game was an ideal blow
out for us because of it's[...]ve aspects as well. Good to see some players

for the season. This meeting is for registration purposes[...]bs, team
contact will be established and fees for the season. It will also give you an opportunity
to meet the Committee.

in fine form and the level of fitness is encouraging.
We will need to concentrate and play of the 80
minutes next week chaps!

The date for the secondhand stall is yet to be set do don't fret i[...]have been selected
you were gomg to miss out!

in the Senior A squad. Work hard and your
opportunity wi[...]r! ~

Sarah Eckhoff Lewia

See you all tonight at thethe FITZ between
5-7pm Wednesday 6th.
If you can't make it see
Craig at the Rec Centre

We ’re right on your doorstep and f[...]e range of medical services. So

‘ enrol now at The Registry or at StudentS! Health

and let us 100k[...]B ennetts MASSEY UNIVERSITY
— Bennett‘s — the book people since 7897 -


Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (25)[...]y comeback
from Bull's boys (scoring almost twice the
points of their first two games combined)
has got the Wellington juggernaut rolling.
Some welcome back[...]us a
victory over those Blue Bulls aka virtually
the entire Springbok team. I can see the
upcoming March 29 match against the
Golden Lions being an absolute doozey.
Blue Bulls[...]I‘m
hanging out for out much awaited clash
with the Botswana Kakhi Green and Pink
- Polkadot Baboons.

Yes, at- last the Hurricanes have blown
through with their first win and with such
style. It was like watching Lotto, the way
the scoreboard ticked over "... and the final
. score is..." Can we have a drumroll for[...]~brained eye on Natal, who beat ACT
last weekend. The weekend of Super 12 did
not go untainted without violence. A few
Loe blows from the unforgiving Richard of
the Waikato Chiefs. I think I‘ll jump on this
oppor[...]aland as a rugby—
playing nation. I

Hurrah for the New Zealand Cricket Team
for dispatching those Sri Lankans 2-0 in
the test series. But for fuck's sake, CHRIS
HARRIS” Two double tonnes in the Shell
Trophy season thus far, but apparently
his inability to push on to the 600's and
while balancing on one elbow and
balancing the Sky City Casino on the
other kept him from test selection.
Though hindsi[...]ould have performed this summer
has we have given the other Chris in the
team the arse.

It's like Christmas and my birthday come a[...]Albany student
Joseph Spooner is finally back on
the water in the sport ‘he loves-

A vicious attack la[...]had to learn
to walk and talk again.

But despite thethe Hurricanes, then Fleming and his boys
(sorry, men) winning the second test in
Hamilton. Of course, by the time you read
this you shall already know the scoreboard
of the first ODI. I pick against my grain -
the Sri Lankans to take the ODIs. They
proved their one day skills in the tests.

Time to shoot the gap for this week in
the wake of every acceptable couple of
New Zealand sporting weeks. The Kiwi's
won the Test Series (and hopefully have
taken the first one-dayer), the Hurricanes
pooed all over the Blue Bulls and we
don't have to look at Richard L[...]now be passed
concerning tomorrows one-dayer, and
the Wellington/Transvaal Super 12'
match. Kiwi's take the Sri Lankans and
the Hurricanes by 10 at the most.

Before we close for this week we'd like to[...]e a shrink.

Spooner back after
Vicious attack -

The measure ’of

a man’s thirst

the whole way ; but I'm over 90%
back to normal and I‘m fortunate to
be one of the lucky ones who will

His recovery was a[...]Zealand representatives.

He hopes to compete on the European

circuit this season with a View to the '

World Champs in July.

SPOONER - Finolly book on the water.



STUDENT I[...]HEIR STUDENT I.D CARDS TO TOURNY. This is because the Tourny

ID cards require a student 1.
student ID will cost you, at lea
on competing. '


The Buses down to Dunedin le
on Thursday the 27th of Marc

D card to be inserted to validate it. no
st. $20 and the possibility of missing out

ave from the K-Mart/ F oodtown car park
h at 10.15pm - you need to be there by

at least 10.00pm. The Bus down meets up with the 1.30am ferry which
gets into Picton at 4.30am. The bus to Dunedin will travel over night

ariving at Dunedin around 3.3


The Buses back to Palmerston North will leave from Otago University

at 9.30am they will meet up with the 9.30pm fe

rry. If you do your maths

correctly y[...]S

TEAM MASSEY Tee—shirts will be handed out at the Fitz some time

details. Anyone seen wearing a

the week before Easter. Watch next week‘s CHAF F for further

TEAM MASSEY Tee-shirt at the Fitz will

be rewarded with the opportunity to purchase cheap TUI. Be there or

b[...]at new
competition. Afl gov hare to
olo i; veéé the winner and
winni mar in of each
week'é’Kl/(fl Y JACKFOT
12' me. (net qovr anQWer down
no! into the Cit/PF?
letterbox bi1 Friolm). A eool
olozen e§ to the winner
but if here ién't one then
the Prize 'aolcpoté each
week. until omeone strikes[...]ie; will

into a raw to win an Prize
vnelaimeal b theTHE NAME OF THE NBL :



Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (26)[...]CHAFF is published by the Massey University
2., H,.r·r,t[...]You can contact Chaff on the phone at (06) 350 4500, on
18 .Br l the fax at (06) 350 5665 or by writing to us via the Chaff
19 Chaff 0..rt8 letterbox (upstairs in the Students' Association Building), or at[...]Disclaimer: The views expressed in Chaff are· not necessarily th[...]ASPA, MUSA, Massey University, me, that guy down the road, the pope,
2,c& Th,t Chaff :~ra_r,.r-vin,.r· the real pope or any of the KGB. Why you read this stuff[...]So long, and rhankr for all the fish! - Design EJ.[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (27)[...]l remains very much on
Zealand First's support if the proposed cism. the ·right she says.
Voluntary Student Membership Bill is She -also fails to see why the VSM National, she says, kept all the impor-
to fail, according to Labour Leader Helen[...]ement and "didn't
Ms Clark said that while in the past liamentary issue but we don't have a really give NZ First another too signifi-
the bill has not had the numbers to' get strorig enough constitution[...]allenged." "Peters might be the treasurer but he[...]xpressed her disapprova1 really only reads the budget the Birch[...]"Students have got to work very hard towards the tertiary review promised in writes."
on New Zealand First, otherwise it will the coalition document. She is worried In[...]o through," she told Chaff last week. that the review will come out in favour ing what pol[...]Winston Peters,
She said that it's failure in the past of further funding cuts and efficiency im[...]Laws' provements, and that ultimately "the really changed".[...]New Zealand First's dwindling -sup- put in the necessary hours to do his job
in select committee[...]hows when people
Labour is totally opposed to the Bill character to something which is seen as[...]business. pulls the rug on the coalition document As far as the next term in government
mentally disempower the student body As far as MMP is concer[...]ild up Labour's objective will be to hold the
and leave services which are provided beli€ves the new parliament has been an new support or w[...]nto government to account as an effective
by the student levy in the hands of peo- disaster. "We have the most bizarre as- the National Party," and st[...]that you have ever Her thoughts on the budget policy They plan to launch int[...]seen" . She maintains that the system is statement echoed her cynicism towa[...]everybody that
She accuses those who promote the not totally to blame and that really it was the new government. the country needs better leadership and
bill of using[...]eople still not un- "When you consider that the focus was needs to move ahead on key policies
they label student associations as un- derstanding the system. so much on the social policy issues , the areas.
ions. And says that there are so many The new system has "cosmetically budget poli[...]her associations that levy their mem- moved the government to the centre" but message was picked up at all" . · proach to the whole process," she said.[...]issues officer
Figures released by the Ministry· of count adjustments such as inter[...]wed in ex- He said that figures showing the to-
cess of $ 1. 7 million since the loans· tal money owed by students would be[...]92 . . higher than figures for the amount bor- firmed as MUSA new Environmental
As at the 31st of January the exact rowed.[...]University show held by Inland Revenue for the years votes in an election that att[...]students bor- prior to 1997, together with the 1997 very small voter turnout of 44 7 votes.
rowed $33,888,207. This was the third figures and interest rate calculation[...]He admitted to not knowing how
highest of all the universities behind could a true indication of how much he would go in the election, but said
Otago ($49287481) and Aucklan[...]Spokesperson for Educa- forward to the job. VICTORY - Raym9nd Hina[...]Liz Gordon said that student debt The position is responsible for the closley fought election.
ures for Massey show[...]students hon-owed between $5001- "The Government's own research through to the construction of capital BDS OT'AGO[...]y theit student loans until they are The major issues for him concern
student borrowing m[...]0 years old". the problems with transport and park- MRS RANJINI SRI RAGAVAN
The average amount borrowed by She condt:mned the governments ing and getting canna[...]tax cut policy "for the rich", saying that
crease of 3% on the previous year. the 199,188 students who have loans Hina will continue as a Residential As-
The total national figures for the will po~entially be one of the highest sistant in the courts; and to study to-
same period show that: 58,463 stu- taxed people in the country. wards his degree i[...]"Student loans are quietly building The actual results were as follows:
students borrowe[...]tudents borrowed be- is being ignored by the broken of the Jarn 91, HINA Raymond lOl(elected) ,[...]-Same day emergency dental
The national average was $4796 which MUSA[...]'The increasing rate of d,ebt amongst[...]0-6-358 5386
Money borrowed was the amount stu- students is matched only by the in- the highest turnout for any by-elec-
dents drew on w[...]rity of hardship being tion of all the universities. 787 Broadway[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (28)[...]Enrolments up slightly
under the[...]Massey are on target with the universi-[...]The Massey College of Education also[...]gures . EFTS students at the college this year.
By Tony Parker[...]llor and regis- Mr Rooney believes that the increase[...]ng to me because trar Bill Tither says the number of in student enrolments should[...]their lecturer told the class, if they didn't Equivalent Full Time Students (EFTS) with caution. "I would question the
like the hours, then they should com- has rise[...]demic staff, students not staff should the moment as late enrolments, and peo-
lunchtimes[...]be stopped." ple yet to enrol in the second semester these figures and the colossal 16% fee
In case you haven't notic[...]sidered as people are staying in the sys -
lectures are not scheduled between[...]involving lunch time queues in the cafe, which include internal and extramu[...]es it mean our attention span slips as the day drags
for students? And how did it come[...]rovide a cultural, and political func- with the extra hour on Tuesdays and
tion.[...]lunch. the threat of court action from students nal mechanisms are responsible for de-
the plan, as it allows students the Historically, the idea was coined in
chance to see where their f[...]The university defended the allega- NZUSA President Michael Gibbs said
the University Council for approval. They tio[...]freedom that he had grave concerns about the
lunchtime bands; as their lectures, tu-[...]place. This year is seei:i as the trial year Pc'.lpers filed ofbehalfofVict[...]for this common time-tabled break. Al-
dents the chance to see bands, acts and[...]year, a referendum do not form part of the contract entered to care to students who st[...]on it's fate.
time theatre is also popular in the[...]ave no le- serve more than assurances that the
the vote is negative, it shall be curtailed, gal[...]arge sums for
From a political perspective, the if positive, then the scheme will con-
common lunchbreak is useful:[...]e
or lab clashes.' He goes on to mention ,
'the council's tree felling plans were well Tui com[...]day lunchtime freedom.
Although the University's[...]tempts have been made to sabotage The winners of the orien- The winners were all first
the Wednesday lunch-break already. Mr tatio[...]00pm that night.· fridges. The computer went WINNERS - The winners get
"The University is attempting to to Camero[...]Coaches arrive/ depart by the
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (29)[...]Officials from the World Bank vis-[...]week to learn how the New Zealand tive way, says College Dean[...]visit to New Zealand was de-
making it clear that the Coalition Gov- teacher education. signed to enable the visiting countries
ernment's plans for a universal allow- The contingent was made up of rep- to make changes to their education sys-
ance at the level of the dole is not going resentatives from Armenia[...]sed on our experience.
to come into effect within the next three · El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Tanzan[...]harey's comments come after me11t and the relationship of tertiary ing patterns".
he received an ambiguous response to education to the educational commu- "It was an excellent opportunity for
a question he put to the Minister con- nity.[...]us to help other countries cope with
cerning the progress being made to im- The College of Education was in- change, and it gave the World Bank visi- VISITING - World Bank offic[...]niversal stuqent allowance. cluded ·in the week long visit because . tors a chance to see[...]has change has affected individual institu-
"the government was working towards under[...]major structural tions,~ Ms Meyer said.
the development of that policy".
As far as Mr Mah[...]erned, hand and to publicly state whether the
his response indicates another broken
promise by the Government.
Govern.ment' planned to honour the
commitment it had to students in the[...]ies College of Edu- to Massey University by the council and
dents have gained absolutely nothing[...]and his Government have a cation is the preferred site for clubs which would use the track. Dis-
from the new Coalition Government,· he chance to[...]her athletics cussions would concern whether the
said. the Government/student relationship. track.[...]I call on them to show some honour this The proposal has been backed by the The total costs for the project depend
called on the Minister to declare his parliamentary te[...]Clubs who would use the track have lighting, or any extra landscap[...]n Alan track to get people up on top of the
Bywater says the council committees ground in winter"[...]recommendation's would now go to the "The next step is the approach to[...]"If the recommendation is ratified funding will be the next big issue," he[...]ice are. concerned that become endemic at the university," he[...]re reluctant to He further highlighted the problem of[...]studies. caught up in the police and court sys-[...]ted until it hard trying to deal with the stress of[...]being involved in the £ystem while they're
Poster sale[...]said that they thought the posters
By KATE BENJAMIN[...]were very reasonably priced, and the
ra[...]I Fly Posters travels to all the uni-
Tauranga based business "Fly[...]last week for at Otago and Massey have in the past
their annual poster sale. tended to be higher than at the other
Sales have l;>een fairly good this universities.
year with the most popular poster Fly posters will be back again next
being the 'Planet Earth' range. In- year, but for t[...]prints of on purchasing a poster there is the
dolphin's penguins, Stonehenge and option of using their mail order serv-
Siberian tigers. The Trainspotting ice.
posters als[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (30)[...]One of the most important chemists Sir John is recognised by the United
The spirit of the 300 people who at- "It was great seeing[...]Kingdom general public for his work
tended the Beyond Poverty: Citizen- planner wal~ out of the Department of Massey University next mon[...]ng adults and
ship, Welfare and Well-being in the 21st Social Welfare's "beyond Dependency"[...]at Massey Univer- conference because of the falsity of what Thomas is Master of the University of than 600 lectures to live audiences, in-
sity's Albany campus over the weekend, was being promoted in relation to the Cambridge's oldest college and Profes- cluding at the National Galleries of Lon-
was of hope, commi[...]ad been discussed at sor of Chemistry at the Davy Faraday don, and lectured on BBC radio and tel-
rather than the sense of anger and de- the Beyond Poverty Conference" Mr Research Laboratory of the Royal Insti- evision. It is estimated that ab[...]blic meeting is being held at
Ritchie, one of the organising group. Wesley Methodist Church[...]ate chemistry. materials He was a member of the UK Cabinet
"It is time for change!" said[...]Chairperson, in his Ritchie will repor-t on the Beyond Pov- merous national . and internat[...]. He is calling his re- awards. including the Davy Medal of the 1982 and 1986, a trustee of the Natural
ference participants were at. His main port 'The Emperor has no clothes on". Royal Society, the Faraday Medal of the History Museum form 1987 to 1992, and
re[...]Royal Society of Chemistry and the a trustee of the Science Museum from
attend few of the formal workshop ses- Willard Gobbs Gold Medal of the Ameri- 1989 to 1994. Sir John has more than[...]and reviews to his name.
range of topics from the myths and[...]delivering two presentations
shortcomings of the "market" concept[...]during his visit on Tuesday 8 April. The
that our society is being squeezed into
t[...]first, title The World of Catalysis is at[...]sity's Palmerston
which we all are valued and the contri-[...]lly been found not to be very help- theatre. The second presen tation. Davy
butions of all are[...]al to rank universities on their qual- ful in the longer term. " and Faraday-A Ta[...]to be quite a divisive iuses, starts at 8pm at the Manawa tu
Conference participants agreed[...]try to Science Centre.
take messages from the conference[...]the Vice Chancellors' Committee had deliver[...]hemistry head Professor Andrew
munities, with the intention of chal-[...]Brodie says Sir John is easily one of the
lenging the propaganda that accompa-[...]world's top Chemists and any interested
nies the policy changes taking place,[...]rsities would be staff or public should ta ke the opportu -
particularly those being considered[...]ents. nity to attend .
the "Beyond Dependen,cy" conference.

missed the opportunity? ·

Have you e_ver_longed t[...]laces to attend
this course. Contact the Manawatu Sports Foundation now[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (31)[...]flexible depending on who uses them. I am certain the 'There is no[...]Idi Amin's
Uganda, it most certainly is. However the irony is that central government[...].. no excuses' someone told me. I'm
certainly has the procedures in plaee to t,e open and consultative,[...]but they obviously weren't living in
it lacks is the will or commitment to actually listen to the people of the reality. I recent[...]The sad thing is that it was not an option for them,[...]are people not attending university
MUSA also has the procedures and policy in place to provide regular[...]ingful consultation and decision making involving the student body.[...]nabling students to attend university as
However, the fact is, to ·a large degree we don't as well as[...]onsider what it is like .for others.
decisions on the spot rather than to talk to students. Students ar[...]Rather Favourably In Ectoplasm - Ed) is the group on campus which actively
driving the decision making process. works against the kinds of attitudes and policies which are keeping[...]stress. For more info contact the MUSA office on 350 4500, or keep your
In the three months we have been in office I feel we hav[...]yet MUSA still needs to become more in touch with
the student body.
Two further things are being develo[...]TY STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION
student input. These are the establishment of the Student Parliament,[...]\111llll'& @ .'if@ ~ IW~fil @ ~ W f i l ~
and the beginning of lecture meetings. The Student Parliament is a
regular student forum where students will be allowed direct access into
the running of the asso~iation and the setting of policy. The first meeting[...]MUSA should do when a
contentious issue is facing the University.[...]EDNESDAY 26th MARCH 1997
Of course there is still the old fashioned way of coming and talking[...]Motion: "That the Apologies be accepted"[...]3. MINUTES OF THE 1996 AGM .
Have a good week![...]Motion: "That the minutes of the previous Annual General[...]4. MINUTES OF THE SGM 7 AUGUST 1996[...]Motion: "That the minutes of the previous Special General
Change the MUSA Regulations 1.6 from:[...]5. MATTERS ARISING
1.6. The Executive Member must submit to the Executive a report of their 6. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Executive activities for the periods to the end of the Easter Mid-semester break, to the end of Motion: "That the Financial Statements of 1996 be accepted"
the first semester, to the end of the Second Semester Mid-semester break and to 15 Nove[...]Auditors"
1.6. The Executive Member must submit to the Executive a report of their 8. 1996 BUDGETS
Executive activities for the periods to the end of the Easter Mid-semester break, to the end of
the first semester, to the end of the Second Semester Mid-semester break and a final report of Motion: "That the 1997 Budgets be approved"
the whole years activities to 15 November.[...]Motion: "That the proposed change to the Constitution[...]regulations 1.6 and 1.8 be ratified"
Change the MUSA Regulations 1.8 from:
1.8. That the first report be submitted to the Executive no later than the first
Executive meeting held after the Easter Mid-semester break. That the second report be
submitted to the Executive no later than the first Executive meeting held in the second semester
of that year. That the third report be submitted to the Executive no later than the first Executive
meeting held after the Second Semester Mid-semester break of that year. That the fourth report
be submitted to the Executive no later than November 31 st of that year. A full report of the[...]THE WEEKLY MUSA FIX
full year's activities shall also[...]d by November 31 st of that year for inclusion in the
MUSA Annual Report. The reports of the Maori Students' Collective and the International Students' WED[...]llective are to be presented to Te Manawatahi and the International Students' Association[...]12pm-2pm SSLB1
respectively prior to the presentation to the Executive.[...]4pm BOARDROOM
1.8. That the first report be subll).itted to the Executive no later than the first FRI-MON EASTER TOURNAMENT
Executive meeting held after the Easter Mid-semester break. That the second report be submitted[...]RCH OTAGO UNIVERSITY
to the Executive no later than the"first Executive meeting held in the second semester of that
year. That the third report be submitted to the Executive no later than the first Executive SUN 3[...]EXECUTIVE DECISION RADIO SHOW
meeting held after the Second Semester Mid-semester break of that year. That the fourth report,[...]3-4pm RADIO MASSEY 99.4fM
a full report of the full year's activities, be submitted to the Executive no later than November
31 st of that year for inclusion in the MUSA Annual Report. The reports of the Maori Students'
Collective and the International Students' Collective are to be pres[...]N 31st MARCH SARAH'S BIRTHDAY
the International Students' Association respectively prior to the presentation to the Executive.[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (32)[...]... boxing ... error stuff. Not to mention the fact, Job Search column. I hope you had a[...]for an i!)ter-
whatever... no comment. Yep, at the but Armstrong touched on it, that Pe-[...]e 3. Failing to turn up for a job.
the fallout from the Peters-Banks fly wonder he lashed out. Well[...]ng in a quiet corner of 4. Failing to do the work well.
weight bout in a lobby at Parliament. that I am, I have to say 'do what?', ex- the Celtic. 5.[...]wenty years in journal- cuse me and back up the trolley. Wom-[...]groups have been hearing this boards at the Massey and Hokowhitu
my leader, Jim Anderton, w[...]s. And Campuses. Just a reminder that the In future SJS will be advising employ-
between two offensive MPs and they here's the largest circulation daily Massey one is in the Students· Associa- ers that students who[...]t dancing. It was biff alright. Not new:5paper, The Herald, coming up tion Building, in the corridor just along or interviews without a referral card
blood on the floor but hands were with excuses for the Deputy Prime Min- from the MUSA office. This has been should not[...]ader and supplemented with a job board in the the employer decides to interview or hire
words wer[...]no responsibly on the outcome.
and Dreamworld holiday stories, I don't dles a reporter from the Press gallery. If you want to apply for a job that
think. Who'll ever know what the ref- Once Were Jerks. The irony is that just you've seen on campus,[...]RE NOT ENROLLED and
_e rence was about. You see, the Deputy prior to this display of violence rep[...]id you agree to sell off hy- a mate how boring the Debating Cham- with us.[...]ol NOW. If you don't then
dro power stations in the Coalition ne- ber had been that night. Considering * Take a note of the job nµmber (top you run the risk of ruining it not only
gotiations? 'Um, I'm kinda hazy about the violence level in New Zealand, I'll left hand side of the card). for the friend who carelessly gave you
the details'. Still, I really think that settle for boring any day. As for The * Then ring us on 358 2828 to find the employer details but also for every-
many commentators - especially John Herald, the sorry rag could do with a out more. one else.
Armstrong from the Herald - have been dose of tabloidism. If this had hap-
more than chivalrous over the Peters- pened in Britain, the Deputy Prime In about 70% of cases[...]would have been hounded into to give you the contact information re- any problems is to ring your friendly SJS
Armstrong, the altercation was under - resignation with a[...]ay we can advise you on
standable. Who can blame the deputy 'Peters Out'. But this is New Zealand. be able to refer you over the phone be- what to do. For example, we can help
Prime Minister for being a bit out of By the time·this gets to print, the inci- cause we've got to give you a job desc[...]are
a few drinks . Drinking is good in poli- the carpet - like very other insult to we won[...]o refer you to a job no longer able to do the work.
tics. Peters has for a budget to write. voters of llie past two decades. This of over the phone because WE NEED TO
His new Ministers are i[...]jobs this year and the number one rea- the employer for further work. Quite[...]son has been with the students who often an employer will ri[...]have been referred to the Jobs. us know but sometimes they wi[...]the student directly and arrange more[...]suited to the job. Sadly, we will be get- * Knowing who'[...]After spending an extremely Namely the "Leadership Course for referred to work. Stu's calling this the * Providing a good employment his-
frustrating afternoon on the telep_h one Women". This course commences on[...]Easter is coming up at the end of the
ing to track down a draw down that had ing[...]earn some extra
somehow failed to materialise in the are strictly limited and once again are[...]at stuffing up $$$ for Easter Eggs for the family come
expected financial institutions coffe[...]- remember it's our job to get you work-
to spend the column this week talking contact Georgina Lewis at the Manawatu sort of problems we're talking a[...]Sports Foundation (Phone 358 6004)
to you, the consumer, a radical con- and register yo[...]Enter the drav,!
ise free steak knives or a lifetime guar-
antee, both offers should be a lot of fun. The course is run over the space of[...]eet like-minded women
from other campuses. As for the free
bit, MUSA is funding around ten
women to att[...]standing of the basic skills ofleadership.[...]When you purchase items to the value
I've done a good selling job, and the fact of $7.95 from the Manicare range
The other amazing free offer is ac- that there[...]y soon to register. Till next week,
junction with the Manawatu Sports study hard ... just r[...]on. weeks until the break!!![...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (33)[...]o Chaff a few weeks ago,
gave a good argument for the term Queer. Yes, accepting
this once derogatory w[...]troversial.
Many older gay /lesbian people oppose the use of this word, as it brings up hatred
and misunderstandings of the past.
"Out There" (TVl around 12.45am Saturday mo[...]hat terms they prefer to call themselves. Most of the Lesbian women
preferred Lesbian and Dyke before Q[...](Manawatu Lesbian and
Gay Action), have now added the L (for Lesbian) as the greater community felt that Gay mainly
applies to[...]clinical term placed on Gays and Lesbians
during the "we can cure you" 1950's.
But all said and[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (34)[...]3Who? 3 Who the Hell's that?
4[...]4 Go to Cristian
(The Father of[...]Degree - BA (yeah)
1 Only game for the Ears[...]5 There's nobody worth
bringing back from the
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (35)[...]the .turn of phrase Mun ta was using so[...]the taxing body. We don't elect those[...]On a less serious note, I say kill t1!_e The idea that the fee is a i;harge for
I'm sitting in my office, on a in the RadMas (as it was then but deft- ducks. If they get in the way, bother services rendered is also bl[...]b, not a bit humans or shit on the pavement, then gal. You ca.vnot invoice someone in ad-
early to tidy things up and get the pa- of it, nuh uh) bashing that was. popular[...]want and haven't asked for. This is ex- to the week, Darcy Perry, Design more music like 92.2XS[...]t's comparable to Neil Martin bill-
he's leaving the job in three weeks, - what we want". "Their music[...]as their small, insig- pay, whether you use the damn thing
I'm sitting in my office, and have Oh dear, the stu_pidities we commit nificant duck lives end. If a duck can or not.
been for the last two hours, watching while young.[...]somehow demonstrate their worth to the MY advice to all Massey students who
the people who make MUSA happen And now, I won't' bore you with the world by performing quadratic equa-[...]m with a hint of irritation, love it. I listen to the breakfast show Otherwise - into the garden chipper with the threats they may or may not send
because I know[...]m! We could make a whole range of you, the bottom line is they are wrong
have to turn the radio down. flatmate is the DJ and runs a very cool duck products to sell to students. Look and they know it. Save yourself the $110
Which I've just done. show, and "regularly tune in during the on the bright side. After all, less ducks for somet[...]ce and writing afternoons and during paste up for the means more souls to me.[...]o be about paper. I don't like all of it, some of the Yours in disposal respect out 'leaders' - mock the bastards
the radio, and what's. on it, and I'm techno doesn't thrill me and I'll never Maugan Ra, The Harvester of Souls instead. By lowering[...]the decent people in our society.
ple in this world and just the other day theirs. Letter of the week on account of the Live Free or Die .
a friend said the world was overpopu- And the ads, one just played which details given.[...]ten easy pay-
lated. Is it? Or is just that only the said "99.4fM, it's got'bubbles." I really[...]ments of $515.
select few hold the resources, which like the ads.
are plentiful enough to go around, if Oo oo oo, and the DJs too, they're Dear Mr Ed,[...]ave a 1V and don't use it what
back, somehow, to the radio and the swear on air though. but please save us. Do not let them do the fuck do you have a 1Vfor? - Ed
unknown songs it[...]o So, take a risk and have listen to the it. I beg of you.
me. Except they're not so[...]Reading the article about Bennetts I
sad, manic hours of listening. the songs become recognisable. I get citing[...]used to think it provided generally good
The radio's small, old, dark and sick of people who s[...]y a 200 refill pad at Massey
it doesn't have all the features I might you just know they flicked over to it for is far, lower down the food chain that[...]Bennetts and saw the price, $6.20. I
prefer, but sometimes you should[...]hat's yours. derstand the song, quickly ran back to I had the misfortune to be subjected[...]else-
·T he station is also small, old, dark the security of the Spice Girls and other to Fisher food for[...](which everyone knows is run by the
lute and strong as well. It doesn't play Tune in to the station, ring up the After such an experience I was pleas-[...]same people as Bennetts) in the Plaza
all the music I'd prefer, but it's start- DJs and request a song, ring up the DJs antly surprised at the quality of MUMS[...]and saw the same pad for $6.10. Ten
ing to. It's not that it's changing it's and just chat, ring up the DJs and scare food. At least it's edib[...]be that much
playlists, it's changing my tastes. The them because you're a strange wee girl hear of the previous years, MUMS has[...]ut hey, somehow my idea of a
songs that carrying the real feelings of who always rings up the DJs. improved vastly, and[...]o pay extra
their parents rather than playing to the Lastly, the best thing about the sta- do so. Compared to Fisher I would eat[...]money. I ended up buying the same refill
hearts of the market, that reflect the tion is that it is yours. While I can't see[...]how hitting As MHD points out, the service to[...]reabouts.
up on what ever is deemed trendy, that the air, you can go and offer your sug-[...], now I don't l>uy anything
make you think after the song is over gestions and help.[...]eek, Chaff runs and start supporting it. If the catering[...]again. I get any textbooks through the
mind scant seconds after. a[...]friendly alternative mail order system,
The radio's a Casio, the station is, so don't go looking for it 'till then[...]be around though, lurking in the halls[...]Patrick).
Not so long ago I was a dyed in the of MUSA, jumping out and scaring peo-[...]poly. · Bennetts
wool classic hitter, revelling the joys pie and generally being a mutant. Lette[...]can charge higher than usual prices.
of the latest out pourings of people I Have f[...]A friend of.the Cookie Monster[...]ng trend chasing lap dogs. farce to celebrate (?) the death •of an
then the weight of opinion has caused it
I even bough[...]to be replaced. If this is the c;ase then[...]Dear Chaff, From the first years, who are all so[...]looking, through to the many people who[...]uMrn:o where it might help stick it to the fas- look so comfortable here they might have
The letter of the week[...]to make an exception.
is either the funniest or What's the story, hmmm? How do It's about t[...]hem
the real people come up with stuff like when[...]I think Massey is cool. Everyone is
decided by the editors ing the letters page, I read Munta's mas-[...]on the threat of legal action. They call[...]it the Broadcasting Fee. Any thinking here for[...]if-
whim. Which is pretty the person that has to typ~ this up". I perso[...]like that. Maybe Munta isn't about this, the Nazis justify the fee with what we're studying, or what[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (36)[...]r extend my warmest welcome heads would cause the net intelligence BOOKSE[...]to everyone back at Massey, especially of the area to go into deficit ca us - 51 George Street
all the class 1st year chicks - about time ing a mini b[...]Jolly Strummer, get your space keeps all of the hairy legged[...]Telephone: 64-6 356-992
the real world. Censorship is needed to 4) S[...]S
ever decreasing society of ours.
As for the ducks, fuck the lot of 'em. 5) Fuck off homos.[...]we? The students notes queues , the[...]use 10 rides a week), or another com-
why the fuck we are paying valuable piss JimBob[...]which charges a set fare. I use · crap weather, the shit-stirring of a few
money on fhe compulsory[...]the compari.y with the set fare as this iS
fee? It's a load of bollock[...]back to my flat too late, might even get through the whole year
all we like in the Chaff. Personally, I'm Late Saturday night I, in a very happy and the person who comes to get my without ever lifting a finger to try and
sure MUSA would agree, to get the most state was stroLling along Featherston[...]politically
of you to make use of this service, the does when drunk). A nice g.e ntleman in[...]s late. Navia
the Easter Bunny. I was having a Cigarette at the time I At a time when car pooling is b[...]ed a ligHt, but no, this encouraged, why is the University not ing about people complaining, as that •
agree with Mr Middle of the Road (Chaff !Ad wanted to chat about Religion. Do[...]ght be considered complaining - Ed)
#3) who was the toss that thought up ·not get me wrong I respect those who . can't use a bus I am adding to the
the idea of the Student Notes Distribu- have faith but this[...]Massey unaware
tion Centre? That only second to the[...]t here at
compulsory ·c ounselling fee, this is the ing HeaThen, he Tried to convince me I[...]w that this issue has
biggest fuck up I have had the pleasure[...]Massey? With all the friendly ducks and[...]they going to do any- lecturers. With all the lovely smiling
to endure in my Massey course.[...]he hassling thing about it?
What's the story with ID cards then? . me? I explained, lOok[...]you by. And
Massey had to forget to include all the to argue with you so if you couILd leave the amount of money I would save in
necessary bits in the enrolment pack,[...]hit you too harD. I transport costs over the 26 weeks oflec- make you feel all warm inside?[...]managed to gEt rtd of him aNd go tures is the same as what Labour were
This is just plain sill[...]to be- of love
better to sp1md say $15 from the coun- these ,people the right tO harrass peo- fore last year's election.
selling fee on something that even the The Happy Faerie.[...]"Blood for the blood god"[...]Yesterday OIJ the telly I saw some-
Kharn the Betrayer[...]story, unfortunately I am unable to print
The Galloping Rash Bandits[...]either. The letter you have sent is over[...]750 words long, a tad more than the 300[...]- The short story is the sickest piece of
I think, I really think, r[...]the pleasure of reading and even though[...]I think it covers some important is- entitling the holder to half price fares[...]it was lotsa, I don 't think the gen-[...]s like Lockwood and Laws
sues, t ake for example the suppressed till the end of this s emester, and a $99[...]ket in China - you wouldn't card entitling the holder to free bus rides seminal based humour. The internet[...]would be the best media to use to share[...]The Telly watcher
read this letter, on account of it[...]also hear that advantage of this deal, as the buses will[...]ff,
with a little fore-thought one would no- the buses be wheelchair accessible? Let us all focus on the negative shall
tice the problems with this proposal - I believe that there are five catego-
the sun for instance. ries of[...]eard as well, that scented accessible buses. The obvious group of
toilet paper is bad for your bo[...]ith
I don't want to cause panic, but the pram/pushchair. Thirdly, older
hasn't anybody th[...]nd steps tricky, and would
happens when we reach the year zero? benefit from the sloped entrance.
I am Sam, Sam I am. Green eggs and Fourthly, the bus companies would win.
ham, spam, Sam, man?[...]Every knight has Dawn. least,, the general public benefit, with
Every cow-perso[...]horter delays at bus stops meaning that
Love the Hunger-monger, Hungry buses should be m[...]ible) bus be more expensive? Not
5 points to the small minority of peo- really, as the price of buying a new bus
ple who think they represent the ma- regardless of whether it's of the variety
jority.[...]hair accessible,
1) Hurry up and get rid of the is about the same. The only extra ex-
fucking ducks. Shoot them. Bum them, pense is the bit that extends from the
n u ke them I d on 't give a fuck. bus door to the footpath .
2) Cu t down the fuckin g trees and What is the curren t public transport
anyone wh o gets In the way. service to people with disa[...]at
· 3) An y one who complain s about the moment? Absolutely awful. We have
'women's s p ac[...]was a 'man's space' it wou ld be- count for the firs t 25 rides per month (a
come a rugby[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (37)[...]with the[...]STRIKES
kest film of the t y gets fucked ov~r by the bad
es a hand, Han So gets enc[...]over Cloud City,
s the Dark Side has the up hich it does.
e time, Luk~ is growing in the an are slowly[...]s d Darth Vader
the command staff of the Empire l e things aren't

RETURN OF THE J.EIDI will be released, and its the
"$tayed tight'lipped[...]end seeing
it use mat's of the 20th anniversary. But I can say that it has
an extra minO e and a half of the bantl in Jabba's palace, all_ brought IJ10re to
life . 'th the ccomputer enhancements.

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (38) Industrial Light and Magic, the company that was set up in 1975
by Lu[...]t, Innerspace, Who Framed Roger
Rabbit? , Back to the Future II andlll, The Flintstones, ~asper, The ocketeer,
most of the Star Trek sertes, Th Hunt for Red !l)er. The Witches of Eastwick,
Ghost, Radioland Murders, Forrest Gump, ask. Jt.i'ml;ll:lji, Dragon Heart,
Twister and Mission: Impossible. With a:~ this, you~ guarantee that
The Special Edition of STAR 'M[...]atres constructed
with regards to THX, but on
has the system installed.
WARS opens here on T
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (39)[...]a Can q)ance - cfFte V:&iquitous % ~vewove

The trio solemnly watched the man being interviewed
on the news report concerning the train crash over the
Awatere river. He was the very same dead mart they
had hauled ashore earlier in the day, whose abdomen
had been ripped open. There he[...]alking with reporters, perfectly unharmed.
He was the only survivor the reporter said, and all ~th~r
bodies had been accounted for, most ~t:il}trapped withm
the carriages haule.d out of the flooded river.
'This is way wrong.' Said Mar[...]e . .Said Ariane.
'I just long ago accepted, the truth. We live in a world
where strange occurrenc[...]r see it.' . ,
'Oh. X-FUes. The truth is out there, nght?
'Had much luck wit[...]Atiane. Just J,teea on getting close to the things you say ar :trying
what are you ,trying to[...]'
, Ariane paused:. Cooling off as she faced the 'We oh't knowihat Al~der flr[...]Then what are you saying?'
of the same blood. And now we've just seen a dead man
wa[...]'\Vha ~bout you Simon. You're the one who allayed
'Yes : he whispered. 'I cion'[...]t think we shoula leave this aU alone. I mean,
as the two of you ate, put I ~ccept ft .' IEearl arrange travel out of the country. l've got money.
'So what dd we do?'[...]re dead surprtsed you can make it to the next day if that's your
too. All bodies were acco[...]how he wouldn't be there. The guilt welled beneath
They said he was some b[...]and maybe then we somewhere. I'll get the money from the[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (40) 99999 In the fourth week, the dishes in the to help you in the flat power struggle:[...]e welded together, Try anlt get hold of the television
the fridge is completely empty exc.ept remote· c[...]for half a block of rancid cheese, some holds the remote holds ultimate[...]ng
in the back of the fridge which nobody And finally, of course, there is the
can quite identify. The toilet seat is problem of food. In a flat, fo[...]sume you've got one of those furry directly the fault of the government
_seat covers, starvation has forced you and the pitiful amount of money they
to eat the cat and your flatmates give us. Why afte[...]fondness for setting fire to your bed Sky, the Internet, videos, computer[...]s
and the dishes in the sink, having have to learn how to improvi[...]ergency food supplies.
Well, it's five weeks into the year and colour the carpet used to be now that Remember just b[...]doesn't mean you can't eat it (that
flatting for the first time should just plates, empty beer bottles and old 1V includes the shower mat). If the milk's
be starting to learn what flatting's[...]trouble when you're thinking the you will have yoghurt. In a real[...]emergency situation, a handful of
You see, for the first week everyone's then you remember that y[...]excited about living with all their lino). The shower mat in the water can make a very nourishing[...]u go
everything tidy. to the toilet because there's an That's all[...]t to now my flatmat~ has passed out in
By the second week the dishes are stick to it. The flat will also be overrun a drunken stupor and[...]regains consciousness.
tissues all over the place.[...]Final thought: They're getting rid of
By the third week the dishes are used to be your best friends. You'd the people who provide MUMS
starting to turn mouldy in the sink thought you would all be mates catering and they are going to kill the
and you're getting seriously irritated forever. Now you can't even look at ducks. Surely I'm not the only one
by your flatmates habit of cleaning[...]overwhelmed with who thinks it should be the other way
the lint off his shirt with your the desire to rip their intestines out r[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (41)[...].

What an amazing start to the year's lunchtime
performances, to beheld every Wednesday in the
Drama Lab, and for the price of just a gold coin!
"Knot a Problem" is a[...]all together towards the end of the piece. Such is[...]imately as if you the skill of the knot-making, you could be forgiven
"But what is it all about?", I hear you ask. The were there.[...]d been tying them all his life.
monologue follows the life of a North Otago man from[...]The tnlth, however, is that in the two months leading
early childhood to adolescence[...]od, using While the script is based on fact, and details the up to his first performance for the 1996 Wellington
different knots aloQg the way to illustrate different[...]Fringe Festival, he was taught the art by an old one-
points, with a set consisting[...]heart, it is not entirely autobiographical. The love legged Engli[...]wing once again that
and a length of rope. During the show, the marvellous interes[...]tion.
knots of Malcolm Murray are used to explain the conglomeration of various people he has known,
mysteries of DNA, the theory of relativity, the rather than an actual indiv.idual. The end result is So,[...]and a story of the loss of innocence and of the ways of combined with an amazing stage presence and
perhaps most of all of the nature of relationships.[...]personal and immediately accessible to the audience. the way. If you have a chance to see it, do . If this
A major feature of the script is the strong personal[...]ed Though the story contains different 'subplots' that[...]Enter the drav,!
ffignicore[...]When ou u hase · ms to the value

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (42)[...]riginally released in 1983, this has to be one of the greatest heavy metal albums of all ·. '\
time. Part of the NWOBHM movement, Raven play some of the most energetic and l '
furious metal you could hope to hear. Fronted by the Gallagher brothers, this album[...]l", "All For One" , "Sledgehammer
Rock", "Break the Chain" and "Seek and Destroy" are as hard as they sound. This
album is up there with "Number of the Beast" and "Denim and Leather" as far as
metal[...]lun Thomas

Released in 1984 this is part of the remastering of all Kiss back catalogue.
When this album came out, Kiss were in top form. Hot on the heels of "Lick
it Up" came this superior metal album. With Mark St John appearing on
guitar for the only time on a kiss album and Eric Carr now a ful[...]member, Kiss were hitting hard rock heights even the 70's couldn't touch.
"Under the Gun", for example is perhaps Kiss's definitive he[...]ar work from St John wqile "Heavens
on Fire" is the albums most well known song and an excellent slic[...]ic songs include "I've Had Enough",
"Thrills in the Night" and "While the City Sleeps" . This is top quality
metal and Ki[...]of Castles remastered series, this is to my mind the best
Sabbath album recorded with Ozzy Osbourne.[...]en this came out but this albums strengths lie in the fact that
they were now making songs like "Rock[...]ctor", "Backstreet Kids"
and "Gypsy" instead of the usual "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" kind of stuff.
There is far more of a rock and roll fee to this album that the doom laden
riffing of p~evious effo.rts . "You[...]aditional though a
really heavy doomy rocker in the usual manner. "It's Alright" sees Bill Ward
take the lead vocals on a song Ozzy hated while "All Moving Parts" sees the
band in hard rock heaven. Although criticised in the past, this is in retrospect
a real classic. Sab[...]these heights again when Ian Gillan
joined for the "Born Again" album, but that is for another revie[...]This 17 track album is a superb collection of the finest moments from one of Americas greatest
ha[...]Roth era tunes like "Aint
Talkin' 'Bout Love", "The Cradle Will Rock", "Jump" and "Panama" represent some of the hardest
rock ever to. hit vinyl while "Unchained" from 1981 is the best song on the entire album, 'Van
Halen at their best. The "Diver Down" album of 1982 goes unrepresented however, an album
reviled by the band themselves. When Roth left experienced front[...]µ)vin' You" are Hagar era at it's very best.
The Hagar contribution "Human Beings" is a seriously hard rocking affair while the
· two new Roth songs "Me Wise Magic" and "Can't Get This Stuff No More" are the best
Van Halen songs since Roth left! No disres[...]his is a superb greatest
hits album from one of the all time best hard rocking , hard partying[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (43)[...]nds up 25 Palm
excellent represent
acclaimed as the st
singularity and lou
influence on severa .
Lung. The majority ·
music scene over t

Instalment number nine in the Valve compilation series is here, though it's kinda different from the rest,
in that there's not as much Palmie music as usual, though that's obviously due to the fact that Yellow Bike
has relocated to Nelson. A[...]ich makes interesting reading while listening
to the soun ds , as usual some of it is incomprehensible[...]t from Dave White's
novel "Battery Acid". As for the all;,ium, it's pretty noisy. Palmie's Motorsheep sound heaps different than
usual, though it's the first time I've heard them recorded with the new singer ·,(,at.EJea'S1:lf<filink it's him).[...]nd Inell fr/. :._ere' ~also,
from the likes of Jack Black, Birchville Cat Motel and The Longslibre eB.l1:Y: fav:owrite .t rac ·
though,[...]Knock It On the Head[...]walked about the stage, barking[...]the crowd dancing for the entire[...]performance). The highlight for[...]the top 11 is made from your requests, dial 35[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (44)[...]commitment to this job, the
other morning, I ro[...]ungodly hour before the sun
had risen to survey what is on offer[...]res.
I was mainly interested in sampling the cartoons, but
upon rising and stumbling towards the 1V and engaging
it's somehow calming lum[...]ssibly Ken himself in Drag)
enlightening the thousands of people who choose to
watch[...].40am and 6.00am by
reading to them from the Book of Hebrews. I don't
think these sho[...]has _Europe. Very worthy, but no match for the hard- Little did I realise that "From[...]camera reading from a book (can Jin Jin and the Panda Patrol might sound like a safe No, not Star Wars , but the phenomenon that is
their audience not read it themselves?) they need a bet for the little kiddies, but on the episode I saw Jin Sailor Moon. This cartoon drives home the point
David Copperfield type front-perso[...]a Dog who knew Kung Fu, barged in that the Japanese are, without a doubt, the most
to proceedings - perform a few miracles, burn a few a decadent dog party, beat the shit out of the dog bizarre people in the world. Who else could have
books, persecute a few non-believers. The ratings wrestling champion, and then proceeded to get pissed come up with the concept of teenage girls with
would go through the roof. on what the narrator claimed was lemonade. How d[...]range dance
Soon enough, however, we hit the hard stuff: the the room when I drink femonade?[...]lter egos: Sailor
cartoons. First up was The Ewoks Animated. After[...]Mars? "Together
five minutes of watching the Ewoks throwing a party Speaking of drink, the other bonus of early morning we fight' fo[...]ashed by some nasty creatures I was 1V is the ads for the toys, such as, and I am not crying and running away from the evil villain. Just
beginning to wish that the party had been gate-crashed making this up,[...]Kelly ("she really drinks as well Tuxedo Mask, the handsome good guy, was
by Darth Vader an[...]nd to save them.
Then we could have had The Ewoks Exterminated,
which strikes me as a much more entertaining concept. The next cartoon was Phantom 2040, a futuristic[...]Gothic reworking of the comic which appears at the CGC (children's guidance recommended).[...]nd I was heading into prime-time back of the Dominion every day and never seems to
for early morning cartoons. On Three was the Magic make sense. This cartoon didn't m[...]ries from either, but maybe it was just the time of the morning.

WO@~@[...]se We _get voice-overs from the main characters, Sam commentary and the society of the time. Robert De[...]Pesci). on how Vegas and, mainly, the casinos work Rothstein. He does more than the typical mobster[...]and how they took advantage of the system to rise to figure from "Goodfellas"[...]Mafia ties by immersing himself in the culture of a
power. After the set-up, the real story kicks in with
cops around. For guys like me, Las Vegas washes the in,troduction of Ginger McKenna, masterfully play[...]car wash. by Sharon Stone. Ginger is the most powerful and the king around which the kingdom comes crashing
back home, they p[...]for what I'm doing. respected woman in the casino, picking pockets and down. Sharon[...]while they're distracted by her out as the typical money-grubbing woman of dependent[...]tely interests Sam, who means but takes the character to another level as her[...]goes to great lengths to ensure legitimacy on the part marriage becomes destructive. Her downw[...]of the customer in the casino. He falls in love with is perhaps the most heart felt in the film, a remarkable
Rarely do directors b[...]s and social commentary proposes to her. The proposal turns out to be a is great, but this is the same as his performance he
like Scorcese[...]ove Sam, and gave in "Goodfellas". He is the stick of dynamite with
- .,.- "Casino", a maste[...]espearian tragedy status. Sam has lots. The stage is set for a disastrous fall whim. O[...]from power, which is hinted at in every scene of the Gingers 'friend' and Don Rickles as the floor manager
piece of entertainment and[...]g that hidden film, but only revealed in the last reel. What is so of the casino. "Casino" is not an easy movie to like.[...]remarkable about "Casino" is that is seems to be the It is very violent, with lots of gruesome gangland gore,
The film immediately throws you into the action with culmination of several films Scorcese has directed over and the three-hour running time,will no doubt bother
an explosion that seemingly kills off the main character: the past few years. Besides the obvious comparisons some people. Scorcese knows exactly the story he
and moves on swiftly. Next, Elaine and Saul Bass to the physical violence in "Goodfellas" and "After[...]ve created a beautiful collage of Vegas neons for the Hours", some of Scorcese's last film, "The Age of You just have to go into the film knowing it's long and
opening credi[...]Alfred Innocence" appears here - mainly in the form of social completely absorb yourself into the plot, which is[...]-
Hitchcock's "Vertigo" The story then takes over.[...]Scorcese uses a documentary style to set up the plot.[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (45)[...]had a different plot from the first. Even being slightly[...]Oh yes, the sets and models, backdrops and locales[...]to your attention the city of Los Angeles as it would[...]because there was b,ugger all people in the city). The better if they had stayed a little more fait[...]with The city strewn with litter and trash things get Halfway through, if you have already seen the first[...]paints us a picture of a city on the rocks. had had some sort of tragi[...]The direction was well done, with plenty ·of scope f[...]the dty and the feel of the urban jungle but casting you could have played spot the dodgy special effect[...]e with a few extra bucks to hire more for the shots where computers did the acting for him.
people to sit around in the background and shake I have to put it in that Thuy Trang, the Pink Power
and shiver on the drugs that were prevalent in Tim Ranger,[...]ed, yes, its another suit and fighting the forces of not-niceness.[...]tragically killed hero rises from the dead with all the The soundtrack. Well, there's a good track by PJ[...]powers invested in him by the crow spirits and starts Harvey on it... White Zombie just didn't fit with the
to kill, one-by-one, the killers of both him and the whole feel of the movie. Actually, not many of the[...]oes a really good job of his part as Curve, the urban primitive and S&M feel the movie had. 'Tm
lieutenant to the drug tyrant Juda (Richard Brooks), your bo[...]surprising. I hear Iggy Pop is just walks from the flames of his first vengeful kill didn't[...]like Curve, Lieutenant to the drug tyrant Juda. Iggy sit right. The music was poorly selected, and poorly[...]scenes, which all adds to the bizarreness of a Sadism Right, I tell a lit[...]lly tell you what that is I wouldn't want to ruin the
away from Ashe (Vincent Perez), the new crow. movie for you. Not that t[...]Mia Kirshner plays the role of Sarah. You remember the original that I can ruin, but, you know .. . ?[...]the young skate-boarder from the original Crow? The other day, someone asked me who Stan Winston[...]Her. She's the connection to the first film and the was after I mentioned him in the review for the Island
first Crow. In the beginning, she's the only one who of Dr Moreau. Stan Winston is[...]any concept about what's happening to the who has worked on the Alien, the Predator, he worked[...]on a lot of the effects for Terminator I & II and he did[...]Oh, gues.s what. Juda, the big bad guy, has a sidekick the vampire effects for Anne Rice's Interview with a[...]huh? Vampire. I believe he also did the gorilla effects for
I'm in the belief that the whole movie might've been Congo, but don't[...]see it o~ the big screen. It's funny you know, my rad[...]the twitching's stopped too.[...]n to your hat! Metro is a has done the rounds, and Eddy Murphy did well[...]ide of thrills and spills, following Scott with the Beverly Hills Cop movies. As a consequence,[...]I was expecting to be
Identify the correct movie and actor for[...]tems gol" from the preview. In[...]he just didn't have the
Question Two[...]wise-cracking cop thing
Who is the VOICE of Darth Vader?[...]and the original plot bits
Who Said - "Yes, SIRII"[...]the movie expecting and[...]looking forward to the
Include your name and phone number,[...]rookie that that can be said of much of the movie as well.
next issue.[...]get kidnapped by the bad-guy making a daring rescue love this[...]~~ the thing to do, etc etc etc. There's even the drive- have any glaring plot flaws, it was[...]~~~~ the-cars-too-fas t-over -the- hilly" road bit, in performance of a t[...]have enjoyed this lots more. If you're in the mood
• This friH was not valid at time of print[...]es, there was (but it was your money on the friend of all students Al Cobol,
last week[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (46)[...]will be giving away a voucher
each week to the first correct entry drawn in the crossword compo. BUT
WAIT - THAT'S NOT ALL!! Every correct entry throughout the year goes
·in the draw to win a fantastic prize package from PLANET[...]ive his prize for last weeks
crosswora, the power of the Force will swell and flow through him,
. .,-- -[...]_yourself, so
don't let it be said that the Force is the only power in the gafaxy capable[...]1 Chaff 4 the 7 tosser 8 doh 9 hi 10 ra 12 kill 15 bugger 16 re[...]good to smoke. (3) 1 The Dark Lord of the Sith, and everybodies favourite bad guy, he's[...]· ·
8 Han___, the scoundrel. (4) 3 The ship that made the Kessel run in under 5 parsecs, its the
9 Abbreiviated name of (2 across) (5)
10 The universe's most feared bounty hunter. (4,4)
1[...]son of Anakin . (9)
16 The first name of the Sallustan Co·pilot who assaulted the second .[...]4 He's Jabba the Hutts lieutenant, and has a very weak will. His n[...]6 Grand __..Tarkin was overseer of the Deathstar project (4)[...]e elsewhere on this page) 13 The mysticla power that surrounds us and binds us together. (5)
17 · : Lucas is the creative genius behind the STAR WARS movies. 14 "Help me[...]50g sultanas
off the standard adult tare which[...]I For quality, range and the lowest overall food prices. I[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (47)[...]tainer over summer MUMSA - BBQ to be held on the 26th of COPING AND LIFE SKILLS - This 7[...]844 i O after 5pm March, at 6.30pm in the Kiwitea Lounge. course will provide an op[...]l MUMSA members. (Free to and practice the skills necessary to cope ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTRE - The
A place to live. Vego/semi-vego and cheap. me[...]ted house with one other. tion with this we the Returnees are con- Time: Wednesda[...]3591257 after 6pm . • ducting the "Project Helping Harld" Start Date:[...]weeks The following classes will start after
Who wants to see the South Island and schools in 5 developing[...]April 14, and run for 4
tramp some tracks until the middle of schools will be from the Samarinda re- To register for a group o[...]Phone: 3248764 The facilitators would like to meet briefly Tuesda[...]with those interested before the groups eg·, planning academic[...]all Postgrads. The first official Post Gradu-[...]indicating your interest in the groups. All[...]Wednesday, March groups will be held in the House 40 be- speed .reading[...]1974. 1600 sport mo- 26. Come alorig for the happy hour be- hind Student Counselling[...]s.
ered, nice paint, mags, runs well, and is the Student Executive. KAOS - Is up and running. The first Thursday 3.30-5.00 Pro[...]round was a success? · The nest meeting tion.
anytime.[...]SERVICE - is this Wednesday in The Boardroom for
Phone: 3562792[...]a PARANOIA round. Any new or inter- The above course are fully subsidised,[...]speed CD-ROM, you're wanting to make the informed ca-[...]decisions, improve your basic job MAGE - The Massey Gaming Club is all For further i[...]games or shagey games then we are the Friday 1.30-3.30 La n g u ag[...]Employer visits start 21 April noons in the Kiwitea Lounge. Anyone in-[...]tutor is
at bargain prices at Vogel House in the * Register and pick up an informa- terested in having a say about the run- available to discuss any individual
R[...]heet at CIS ning of the club and ALL executive mem-[...]vitae - bers, please meet THIS Wednesday in the to-one basis. (This is[...]ring the Re-
registered and ready for the open high- Qne from CIS before the Easter Break CARNATIC MUSICAL SOCIETY[...]dates after Easter. sor TN Krishnan, "The Living Legend Of appointme[...]* Kayaking
THE SRI LANKAN CLUB - general meet- * and much more!
ing will be held at the Club House on Mon-
day the 24th of March at 6.00pm. This Meetings ar[...]portunity to explore ·and practice lis-
aware of the Massey University Multisport tening and assertiveness skills. The group
Club on Campus. Cheap membership fee[...]
Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (48)[...]ball news. This week is just a
reminder of all of the things coming up in the near future within the Club. As
mentioned last week, the Clubrooms have been found and they are ·shown in the
map below.[...]The first pre-season for Varsity was to have a lick of the cherry before code
There is an opening for the season planned with rugby but the date is yet to be welcomed, as it really hasn't happened actually starts. More so for the fact
set. We are hoping that this will be support[...]a big way. for some years given the changes in that we were able to look a[...]the academic format. players.
The Al and A2 teams have been finalised and are as fo[...]Rams did the business initially in Lastly, while the format for the Rams
Al A2 sustaining the Bay pressure who had looks new, there a[...]prevailed and we kicked on in the Rams. ·
Kat Wills[...]nie Hay second half to take the game
Kerry Newcastle[...]WELLINGTON RUGBY
The A3 and below were announced on Saturday and will be printed in next weeks
edition. The teams will also be posted on the noticeboard at the Rec Centre for
those of you who were unable to at[...]Tourney team has been put together consisting of the majority of the player performance and also gauge where we are
Al team and a few of the A2 girls. We are travelling to Dunedin for a thre[...]game against Linton. The game was an ideal blow[...]ome
Today there is a netball meeting at 6.30pm at the Clubrooms. ALL TEAMS MUST areas o[...]ive aspects as well. Good to see some players
for the season. This meeting is for registration purposes, balls and bibs, team in fine form and the level of fitness is encouraging.
contact will be established and fees for the season. It will also give you an opportunity We will need to concentrate and play of the 80
to meet the Committee. minutes next week chaps!
The date for the secondhand stall is yet to be set do don't fret i[...]in the Senior A squad. Work hard and your[...]n't just be a goal setter,
See you all tonight at the meeting. Best wishes for a safe and happy Easter.[...]TS' HEALTH SERVICE

T-shirts can be picked
up at the FITZ between
5-7pm Wednesday 6th.[...]:.t&~
Craig at the Rec Centre ;;'!Jf~~[...]enrol now at The Registry or at StudentS! Health

K-Mart car park[...]- Bennetts - the book p·eople since 7897 -[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (49)[...]It's taken eight months of the whole way ; but I'm over 90%[...]seph Spooner is finally back on be one of the lucky ones who will
the water in the sport · he loves- recover."[...]an Olympic
from Bull's boys (scoring almost twice the to walk and talk again[...]combined) But despite the hurdles Mr Spooner Zealand representatives.
has got the Wellington juggernaut rolling.[...]nce despaired He hopes to compete on the European
Some welcome back play to accompany[...]circuit this season with a view to the · SPOONER - Finally back on the wafer.
out usual forward strength snared us a[...]was getting over this. It was a battle
the entire Springbok team. I can see the
upcoming March 29 match against the
Golden Lions being an absolute doozey.
Blue Bulls[...]'m
hanging out for out much awaited clash the Hurricanes, then Fleming and his boys
with the Botswana Kakhi Green and Pink (sorry, men) winning the second test in
Polkadot Baboons. Hamilton. Of course, by the time you read
this you shall already know the scoreboard
Yes, at - last the Hurricanes have blown · of the first ODI. I pick against my grain -
through with their first win and with such the Sri Lankans to take the ODis. They
style. It was like watching Lotto, the way proved their one day skills in the test s .
the scoreboard ticked over "... and the final
score is ... " "... Can we have a drumroll for Time to shoot the gap for this week in
out final score .. . " And I continue to keep the wake of a very acceptable couple of[...]n Natal, who beat ACT New Zealand sporting weeks. The Kiwi's Remembe[...]competes at Easter Tourny MUST TAKE
last weekend. The weekend of Super 12 did won the Test Series (and hopefully have[...]HEIR STUDENT I.D CARDS TO TOURNY. This is because the Tourny
not go untainted without violence. A few taken the first one-dayer), the Hurricanes I.D c[...]to be inserted to validate it. no
Loe blows from the unforgiving Richard of pooed all over the Blue Bulls and we student I.D will cost you, at least, $20 and the possibility of missing out
the Waikato Chiefs. I think I'll jump on this don't h[...]nd
of dirty rugby. I'm glad he's being punished, the Wellington/Transvaal Super 12[...]ew Zealand as a rugby- match. Kiwi's take the Sri Lankans and The Buses down to Dunedin leave from the K-Mart/Foodtown car park
playing nation . . the Hurricanes by 10 at the most. on Thursday the 27th of March at 10.15pm - you need to be there b[...]at least 1O.OOpm. The Bus down meets up with the 1.30am ferry which
Hurrah for the New Zealand Cricket Team[...]e'd like to gets into Picton at 4.30am. The bus to Dunedin will travel over night
for dispatc[...]ariving at Dunedin around 3.30pm.
the test series. But for fuck's sake, CHRIS[...]The Buses back to Palmerston North will leave from Otago University
HARRIS!! Two double tonnes in the Shell "Confused" of AgHor[...]eek at 9.30am they will meet up with the 9.30pm ferry. If you do your ma,th1?
Trophy seaso[...]Palmy early Wednesday
his inability to push on to the 600's and my flatmates room[...]What happened? Did he cheat on his
balancing the Sky City Casino on the girlfriend? Should I .[...]TEAM MASSEY Tee-shirts will be handed out at the Fitz some time
team would have performed this sum[...]st you'd write and ask Women's during the week before Easter. Watch next week's CHAFF for further
has we have given the other Chris in the Weekly Agony Aunt. We do a[...]s. Anyone seen wearing a TEAM MASSEY Tee-shirt at the Fitz will
team the arse.[...]sporting nature. We be rewarded with the opportunity to purchase cheap TUI. Be there or[...]: WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE NBL[...]


<p><em>Chaff</em> existed from 1934 to 2012 and&nbsp;was the student newspaper of the Massey Agricultural College Students&#39; Associa[...]r university status was attained in 1964, that of the Massey University Students&#39; Association on the Manawatū campus. It was replaced in 2012&[...]

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24. Massey University Library, accessed 25/01/2025,

Chaff, 64(5), 1997-03-24 (2025)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.